вторник, 1 сентября 2020 г.


Dobladitas is a great idea to use the tortillas of the previous day, which is best if you fill them with delicious Chilorio Chata® and bathe them with a hot tomato sauce with guajillo chile and chile de árbol. Serve them with lettuce, cream, cheese and a little fresh water.



4 Portions
  • 3 cloves garlic, for the sauce
  • 1/2 onions, for the sauce
  • 5 tomatoes, cut in quarters, for the sauce
  • 1 guajillo chili, clean deveined, soaked in hot water, for sauce
  • 2 chile de árbol peppers, clean deveined, soaked in hot water, for sauce
  • 1 pinch salt, for the sauce
  • 2 tablespoons oil, to fry
  • 12 corn tortillas, hot
  • 2 Chilorio Meat Chata®
  • 1/4 cups vegetal oil
  • to taste lettuce, cut into strips, to accompany
  • to taste white onion, To accompany
  • to taste cream, To accompany
  • to taste fresh cheese, To accompany
  • to taste avocado, cut into segments, to accompany


For the sauce, blend the garlic with the onion, the tomato, the guajillo chile, the chile de árbol and the salt.
Heat a pot with the oil and fry the previous preparation, cook for 20 minutes until the sauce changes color and cut in half. Reservation.
On a board, fill your tortillas with Chilorio Chata®, fold and reserve.
Heat a skillet over medium heat and fry the doubles until they are crispy, remove the excess fat with a paper napkin, reserve.
Serve a sauce mirror on the plate, place the doubles, bathe with a little more sauce, decorate with lettuce, cheese, cream and avocado. Enjoy


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