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вторник, 1 сентября 2020 г.

Savory Citrus Arugula Steel Cut Oatmeal

This savory oatmeal recipe will convert all of you sweet oatmeal purists! It has a delicious combination of flavors and is a healthy way to start your day! Once you stir in the arugula and let them wilt from the residual heat of the porridge. The citrus and olive oil together really tame the bitter flavor. Even people who do not like arugula will like it in this savory oatmeal recipe! Surprisingly, this oatmeal lends itself too many different toppings quite well. You can add more olive oil, dried cranberries, edamame, roasted chickpeas, pepitas, pecans, or my personal favorite, TAHINI. Try out this savory oatmeal recipe, it's a great way to switch up your usually sweet breakfasts!

Savory Citrus Arugula Steel Cut Oatmeal [Vegan]


  • 4 cups water
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup steel cut oats
  • 1 zucchini or yellow squash, grated (optional, adds volume and texture)
  • 1 large orange
  • 1 teaspoon orange zest
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • juice of one lime
  • 3/4 teaspoon finely chopped garlic (I used 1/2 teaspoon because I don't like garlic)
  • baby arugula, for topping
  • pomegranate arils, for topping (optional)


  1. Add water and salt to a large pot over medium-high heat. When water comes to a low boil, add oats and zucchini and reduce to a simmer.
  2. While oats are cooking, prepare orange by cutting in half, running a paring knife along each edge and against the pith. You should be able to easily scoop out the segments and set them aside in a bowl for later. See here for step-by-step photos. Hang on to the orange skin as you will use this for zesting later.
  3. After about 15 -20 minutes, or when more of the liquid has absorbed in the pot, add orange zest, olive oil, lime juice, and chopped garlic. Then stir. Add more salt if desired.
  4. Once oatmeal has reached the desired consistency, remove from heat and transfer to four or five bowls.
  5. Top each with a bit of orange segments, pomegranate arils, and a small handful of arugula.

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