воскресенье, 29 ноября 2020 г.

Zosui (Japanese Rice Soup)

Zosui is a comforting Japanese rice soup cooked in a savory dashi broth with

Hoto – Noodle Soup from Yamanashi

Filled with starchy vegetables, meat, and flat noodles in miso-based dashi broth,

Kenchinjiru (Japanese Vegetable Soup)

Originally created as a Buddhist temple cuisine, Kenchinjiru  is a clear soup cooked

Kimchi Soup with Malony Glass Noodles

This Kimchi Soup with Malony Glass Noodles is an easy weeknight soup made in

Sapporo Soup Curry

Originated in Sapporo, Hokkaido, a northernmost island of Japan, Soup Curry is a

Tonjiru (Pork and Vegetable Miso Soup)

Tonjiru is a savory pork and vegetable miso soup you can easily make at home.


A popular soup from Hokkaido, Sanpeijiru features salted salmon and a variety of

суббота, 28 ноября 2020 г.


When you’re really hungry, just having a salad can be risky. While fresh and


While salmon is the star of this bowl, we’ve paired it with fiber


Ready for a hearty fall salad that packs some serious crunch? Wild rice,


We’ve created this Mediterranean salad with longevity in mind. Not only

Easy-Peasy Cashew Cheesey recipe

With the new year upon us, there's no better time to start making small lifestyle

пятница, 27 ноября 2020 г.

Fruity turkey curry

Mildly spiced, with the exotic flavours of pineapple, banana and coconut,


Not sure what to do with all of those Thanksgiving leftovers? Repurpose them in

Sweet Potato Turkey Sandwich

The classic turkey club sandwich gets a healthy facelift with sweet potato noodle

Warm Turkey Cranberry Walnut Salad

A Paleo friendly, warm turkey salad made with pan fried turkey breasts, homemade

Turkey Chili Recipe

You can also make this chili even if you didn’t just roast up a huge bird

Rainbow Turkey Salad

Bring your lunch up a notch with this protein-packed meal made with juicy, herb-

Turkey and Mashed Sweet Potato Balls

Serve up Thanksgiving dinner in a bite-sized ball using sweet potatoes, turkey

Classic Turkey Gravy

Cook up a simple homemade broth while the turkey cooks, then combine it with the

Roast Turkey Cuban Sandwich

A tasty Thanksgiving style Cuban sandwich with roasted turkey, smoked ham,

Roast Turkey Cobb Sandwich

A roast turkey sandwich inspired by the cobb salad with layers of lettuce,

среда, 25 ноября 2020 г.

Cauliflower White Bean Burgers


Do you know someone who refuses to eat their crucifers? Here’s a burger recipe

Tangy Tahini Brussels Sprouts

 Here’s a fun activity: take a poll on your favorite social media channel and ask one

Lemony Arugula White Bean and Sunflower Salad

 When you think of cruciferous veggies, you probably think of the stinky — but good

вторник, 24 ноября 2020 г.

Angelic Deviled Potatoes

 How did you make that? How did you get them to taste like deviled eggs?

Peachy Polenta Bites

 Did someone say peaches? This healthy starter is a fun and different way to enjoy

Beet Flatbreads

 A simple and fun Friday night nosh, these flatbreads are also super nourishing and

Buffalo Cauliflower with Creamy Tofu Ranch Dressing


If your taste buds love the contrasts of spicy vs. cool and crispy vs. creamy, then

Healthy Charcuterie Board

 This environmentally friendly, cruelty-free, and healthy whole-food version of a

суббота, 21 ноября 2020 г.

Japanese Pork Roast

Easy and simple Japanese Pork Roast with caramelized vegetable gravy.