среда, 21 октября 2015 г.

How to Rebalance Your Hormones With Breakfast

The biggest challenge many of us face is feeling confused what to eat for breakfast.
Many others think they are eating “healthily” but, in reality, they’re consuming a breakfast so full of sugar that it might as well be called “morning dessert.”
We grew up with the belief that a good breakfast should contain large amounts of fruit, flavored yoghurt, grains, cereals, bars and oat meal.
Here is the problem: they are full of carbohydrates and sugars.
This creates three hormonal and metabolic problems

1. Sugar Addiction

When we consume too many carbohydrates and sugars for breakfast at, say 8am, we will then experience a sugar dip by 11am and feel hungry or shaky, moody and unfocused.
So what do we do? We reach out for something sweet again, like a bar, fruit or coffee to “rebalance our sugar level” and this way we end up only adding more sugar to our lives.
It’s not uncommon for many people to eat as much as 30 teaspoon-equivalent of sugar per day without even realizing it. One thing you can do today is to check the sugar content of the food you eat, especially for breakfast by using the simple conversion of 4 grams = 1 teaspoon of sugar.
As an example, Starbuck’s Vanilla Frappucino contains 69 grams of sugar which equals 17 teaspoons of sugar. Naked’s 15-oz orange juice will set you back with 42 grams (or over 10 teaspoons) and a Trader Joe’s Gluten Free Blueberry Muffin label states 24 grams or 6 teaspoons of sugar.
As you can see, it’s easy to fall in the sugar trap and become dependent on sugar.

2. Sugar Lows and Adrenal Exhaustion

The second problem is that sugar addiction and sugar dips create STRESS to the body which calls for a release of cortisol by the adrenal glands to rebalance our sugar levels.
One of the functions of your adrenals (other than helping us deal with stress) is to rebalance our sugar levels.
As it is, many women suffer from compromised adrenal and these sugar dips weaken our adrenals even further.
Compromised adrenals have been linked to premature aging, dry skin, fatigue, coffee addiction (another skin-aging factor), weight gain, moodiness, frequent sickness and feeling depleted and de-motivated.

3. The Connection Between Breakfast and Sleep

Many women note that their carbohydrate-rich breakfasts and sugar dips are big contributors to their insomnia, poor sleep and waking in the middle of the night. That’s not surprising – we often experience compromised sleep due to sugar level dips and cortisol spikes which is what keeps us awake or wakes us up in the middle of the night.
Their sleep typically improves with a change of breakfast, more on that below.

What is a Good Breakfast?

OK, so what do you do?
In today’s article, there are tips that will help you stop craving sugar, help you feel grounded, focused, satiated, and they might help you achieve deep and restful sleep.

Tip #1: PFF Breakfast

PFF stands for “Protein, Fat and Fiber.”
Yes, this means we will be loading up our breakfasts with protein, fat and fiber. Why?
Because they will guarantee us no sugar dips, they will sustain our sugar levels so we don’t exhaust our adrenals and they will help us break our sugar habit (or addiction).
Proteins are also full of amino acids which are the building blocks of our hormones. The sources of proteins in your breakfast could come from fish, beef, chicken, bison, lamb, tempeh (if you can tolerate soy), coconut butter but also from moderate amounts of pre-soaked nuts and seeds, if tolerated.
I know, it might sound a bit unusual to be talking about dinner food for breakfast, right? But if you think about it, all global cuisines have savory breakfasts – the Turks would eat plenty of salami and cheese, the Chinese dim sum is fat and protein-heavy, a traditional Japanese breakfast would have some miso soup and fish, which are also savory and rich in protein and fats.

Tip #2: Real food only

Many people think of protein shakes and powders when they hear the word “protein” and “breakfast.”
Well, in this new approach to your breakfast, the focus is on using only real and fresh food, not processed foods like powders and shakes.
As humans we were designed to eat, metabolize and absorb real food and not food that can sit in a box for two years – like protein powders.
That’s not real food. That’s just great marketing and gimmicks that make us feel fearful that we can’t get the right nutrients from real food.
It might be hard to hear to put away your protein powder. But, if you suffer from hormonal challenges, why not try something different for just the next three days and see how your body responds?
There are a couple of recipes at the end of this article for you to start out with.

What to Expect?

People who follow the PFF breakfast recommendations report massive improvements. Many of them start losing weight, feel focused and grounded, their sugar addiction ends or lessens, their urge to binge diminishes, their energy returns, their skin clears of acne, eczema and dryness, they sleep better and many report less PMS and less hot flashes.
Is it not amazing? From a simple change like that?
So let’s get to work. Try the recipes below and pay attention to how they work for you:
  • How did you feel after having them for a few days?
  • Are you craving sugar the same way?
  • How different is your skin now?

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