среда, 30 декабря 2015 г.

Is the Chocolate Your Eating Genetically Modified?

As many of you know, I am an avid chocolate aficionado. So much so that I even penned an
entire book on the subject entitled: Naked Chocolate, which illustrates, in detail, the history and lore behind this magical, perennial food that I believe is one of the most powerful natural substances on Earth.

At our most recent sold-out Women's Wellness Conference event, I gave a presentation that reveals one of the most shocking discoveries about chocolate that I think you need to know about.

Over the past several years, you may have noticed an influx of cacao products flooding the markets, masquerading themselves as "organic" and "naturally grown". It is important for you to understand that many cacao products are not really "natural" and come from inferior, hybridized "bushes" called CCN51.

In my opinion, CCN51 is not real cacao, and yet it is legally produced as real cacao in thousands of acres of farmland all over the world.

Chances are you will not know how to distinguish between the hybridized, farmed cacao from the highly-mineralized, wild-grown cacao that comes from naturally productive fields...

In this exclusive video presentation I share with you the TRUTH about what is going on in the chocolate industry and how to educate yourself to make sure when you buy cacao (to throw in your favorite smoothie or eat straight

out of the bag!) you know it is the real deal-- and not an inferior imitation.

I want you to have the experience of ingesting high-elevation cacao nourished with natural rain water... so that your life can change the moment you put it in your mouth... like mine did. Yep, it's that powerful! I encourage you to watch my presentation and share it with as many chocolate-lovers you know!

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