пятница, 29 июля 2016 г.

Sherry Cobbler

This is a recipe for a basic sherry cobbler based on the recipe from the great Jerry
Thomas, with the amount of sugar reduced per David Wondrich's suggestion to suit modern tastes. Increase or decrease the amount of sugar at will to suit your own tastes. The recipe calls for superfine sugar, which is a fine grind of sugar made for use in cocktails, but is different from powdered sugar (which has anti-clumping stuff in it). If you don't have superfine sugar, you can use plain old sugar; it will just take a bit longer to dissolve.
Serves 1
  • 4ounces medium dry sherry such as Amontillado
  • 2teaspoons sugar (preferably super fine)
  • 2 to 3orange slices
  • Crushed (or shaved) ice and berries or orange slices for serving
  1. Combine the sherry and sugar in the bottom of a cocktail shaker and stir until the sugar largely dissolves. Add the orange slice and some ice cubes (not the crushed ice), close the shaker, and shake vigorously until the shaker is frosty and the orange slices inside are muddled up by the ice.
  2. Strain the drink into a tall glass filled with crushed ice, and garnish with slices of fruits and berries. Serve with a straw.


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