четверг, 21 июля 2016 г.

The Classic Cheese Omelette

The Classic Cheese Omelette

The classic cheese omelette is suitable for vegetarians, cheap & easy to make and FIT! I always have to fit some sort of green vegetable in there somewhere so I'm adding spring onion which pairs so wonderfully with cheese and I'm choosing Parmesan for it's ultra strong and slightly nutty flavour. The result is a sexy, gooey, tangy, warming meal that will be demolished in seconds.


3 eggs - I don't eat that much bread so like a more substantial omelette
20g Parmesan (alter this depending on how much cheese you like)
1 spring onion - chopped into rings or strips or both
Salt & Pepper
20g Salted Butter, for frying 


Beat your eggs to death in a Pyrex jug or small bowl
Slice up your onions - it's fun chopping them length ways for a change - push the boat out!
Heat the nubbin of butter on a low heat in a medium non-stick pan and pour in your eggs.
Ensure that you keep an eye on them and keep the heat low as you don't want them to stick or cook too quickly...
When the outside looks a little cooked (like the above picture) season well with the salt and pepper, throw on your cheese and most of the spring onion but save a little to make it look pretty at the end.

When it's looking cooked throughout, fold it if you like - or just leave it to be a circle and then flop her out onto a plate and garnish with the rest of the cheese and onion.

Tuck in with a little extra cracked black pepper!
I hope you enjoy!


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