суббота, 24 сентября 2016 г.

My First Steps After Refusing Chemotherapy

Ttac chris wark first steps refuse chemo

Video Transcript: My First Steps After Refusing Chemotherapy

Ty Bollinger: So once you made the decision to avoid chemo and to overdose on nutrition, as you put it, you told your family. What was their reaction like? 
Chris Wark: Well, they weren’t comfortable with it, you know. They thought I was being stubborn and hard headed and foolish. My mom was a big supporter of me. She’s always been into health food. She’s always been sort of a health junkie and so she was a huge, huge ally for me at that time. And I love my wife, we’re still married. We’ve been together 18 years, but she was terrified…
Ty: Congratulations. 
Chris Wark: Thank you. She didn’t know what to do, she didn’t know how to help me, and she really thought I was making a mistake. And a lot of other people did too. But I had to trust that God was leading me, that he had answered my prayer, and if so that I could trust that that was the route that would lead me ultimately to health. So I had very little support; I was very much alone in the beginning.
But what’s neat is my mom had a bunch of books about alternative cancer therapy, and a bunch of books about health, and stuff written by Paul Bragg, and all kinds of these just great health books that she had collected over the years for no real reason. And as soon as I started reading and researching and found out about different authors and books and health leaders and experts and I would mention them to her she’d say, “Oh I have that book.” And I’m like “You’ve got this library of books like for me.” There was no other reason. She was like saving them up for me and didn’t realize it.
Ty: She was collecting them for you over the years and didn’t know what the purpose was until now.
Chris Wark: Yeah, yeah. And it was stuff obviously she was interested in them, but she’d saved them all and so that was—that was amazing. I just knew God was in control. I knew he was working.
So what did my diet look like? It was very simple and I think a hard core nutritional approach to cancer needs to be very simple because there are a lot of options out there. It can get very complicated and a lot of people they’re seeing so many different directions they don’t even know where to go and they get paralyzed.
And so I realized, “Okay, what is the most fundamental foundational part of my healing approach and that’s food. I’ve got to get as much nutrition in my body as I can from the earth.” And so I started juicing and I drank about 64 ounces of vegetable juice every day − mostly carrot juice. I ate giant salads full of cruciferous and allium vegetables. That’s broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage, onions, garlic, peppers, spinach, all that good stuff.
Ty: Sounds good. You’re making me hungry.
Chris Wark: Yeah, I mean the amazing giant salad you can—we shared one at Jason’s Deli recently. Just a giant salad full of like all this really amazing food from the earth that was put here for us. I ate that twice a day and I would eat fruit smoothies with a fresh coconut and berries. Two cups of blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries. Berries are very potent anticancer fruits. And that was it. That was the daily diet and it was every day and I did that for 90 days. It was 100% raw food for 90 days.

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