суббота, 29 октября 2016 г.

The Dangers of (and Alternatives to) Breast Lumpectomy and Biopsy

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Here are some other factors to consider regarding biopsy and lumpectomy:

  • Surgery, just like any other physical trauma, will induce immune suppression. It will also initiate an inflammatory response that could cause cancer cells to proliferate.
  • Also as part of the trauma response, during surgery the body will secrete specific growth factors in an effort to quickly instigate healing. Unfortunately, this response can have the opposite effect when it comes to cancer since these same substances can also cause tumor cells to grow.
  • Cancer cells are sticky: their surface acts very much like Velcro, enabling them to adhere to each other as well as to blood vessel walls. An experiment that mimicked cancer surgery conditions found that the ability of cancer cells to stick to blood vessel walls increased by a whopping 250% during procedures.
  • Surgery reduces production of Natural Killer cells and stunts their activity. NK cells’ main job is to seek out invasive and harmful pathogens such as cancer cells and eat (i.e. destroy) them.
  • A 2011 study published in the journal The Annals of Surgery found that surgery itself can cause the right environment for cancer to grow and spread, in part because of the shutdown of the immune system that occurs during surgery.
  • Finally, there is an established link between investigative breast cancer biopsy and metastasis to the sentinel lymph nodes in particular. A 2004 study conducted by researchers at the John Wayne Cancer Institute, Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California, found that “manipulation of an intact tumor by FNA (Fine Needle Aspiration) or large-gauge needle core biopsy is associated with an increase in the incidence of SN metastases, perhaps due in part to the mechanical disruption of the tumor by the needle.”

Is Biopsy Necessary?

It is understandable that some women want to know the specifics of their breast cancer, which a biopsy may be able to provide. However, the opinion of many experts is that “cancer is cancer;” the root cause is basically the same no matter what form of cancer you have been diagnosed with.
In terms of the natural treatment protocols you may deploy in healing cancer, the specifics of your form of breast cancer may not matter. This is because the “herbal chemo” supplementation protocols, detoxing methods, and changes in diet and lifestyle and other modalities will, in large part, be the same across the board.
Alternatives to biopsy DO EXIST and can present you with additional information about your cancer with far less risk to your health. These may include the ONCOblot® test and thermography screening, among others. In addition, the RGCC Greece blood test can give you insights as to specific genetic and stem cell markers.

Actions to Boost Your Immune System and Help Your Body Heal After Surgery

If you have already had an invasive surgery such as a lumpectomy, mastectomy, or biopsy, here are some actions you can take NOW to help your body repair and keep your immune system strong:
  • Modified Citrus Pectin prevents cancer cells from sticking to the walls of blood vessels. Some studies say by up to 95%! Studies and experts recommend 14 grams of MCP be taken daily for a period of one year after any surgery (including a positive biopsy).
  • Medicinal mushrooms, garlic, glutamine, and IP-6 (inositol hexaphosphate) all have the ability to boost Natural Killer Cell activity. In addition, some studies show that mistletoe extract taken before surgery can lessen the suppression of Natural Killer Cell activity.
  • Genistein, milk thistle, EGCG in green tea (especially in matcha green tea), and curcumin have all been reported to help reduce vascular growth factors in metastatic cancer. In several studies, curcumin reduced the mass of tumors themselves by between 60 and 80%.
The choice to go forward with biopsy and/or lumpectomy is a personal one. Know the facts before you decide so that your decision will be a sound one which is in alignment with a healthy breast lifestyle overall.

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