суббота, 12 ноября 2016 г.

Why Is it So Difficult to Treat Pancreatic Cancer Conventionally

Why in your opinion is it so difficult to treat pancreatic cancer conventionally?
Not with your protocol, because you have had a great success − but conventionally.
Dr. Linda Isaacs: Well, what I would say there is that most of the solid tumors as they are called, the adenocarcinomas, once they become metastatic if surgery is not going to be curative then perhaps a little progress has been made, but they are not curable.
Again, lung cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer, once it is metastatic, prostate cancer, all of the adenocarcinomas, once they have spread you cannot cure them. So what I would say is that standard medicine has not figured out what the trick is for that. We think again is pancreatic enzymes, but that is a different discussion.
Pancreatic cancer can also be difficult because the cells in that can tend to create a lot of scar tissue around themselves sometimes which can make it hard for any kind of treatment to get into the cells. They kind of wall themselves up in scar tissue. So that can create some challenges potentially.
Ty Bolliner: Here is something that I have heard, you tell me what you think of this…
This is just a theory that I have heard about pancreatic cancer − is that one of the reasons that it is harder to treat is because since the pancreas is affected the production of the proteolytic enzymes, the quantity has been decreased. And so then with other cancers, let us say you have lung cancer, the pancreas is still secreting those enzymes. Maybe not to the level that it should, but it is still secreting. But when that organ itself is affected then you have got even less secretion of the pancreatic enzymes. Have you heard that? 

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