суббота, 18 февраля 2017 г.

8 Nutrients That Block Cancer Metastasis

Diet plays a major role in both the prevention of cancer and the contributing factors of
cancer growth and cancer metastasis. In fact, 75%-85% of cancers diagnosed in one study in the United States showed that unhealthy lifestyle factors were the primary causes of these diagnosis and may have been prevented with improved dietary changes. Researchers believe that 30% of deaths associated with cancer today can be prevented from diet alone.
Evidence links plant-based foods with some of the best known chemoprotective (cancer-preventing) properties. The phytochemicals they contain interfere with cellular communication that triggers inflammation and stimulates the progression of cancer in the body.

8 Nutrients That Help Block Cancer Metastasis

The following 8 nutrients are some of the best dietary compounds you can introduce into your diet daily to inhibit the spread of cancer. Incorporating foods containing these nutrients will help starve cancer growth, substantially reducing your risk of developing cancer and may even reverse the progression of cancer that has already spread.

#1. Ursolic Acid:

Ursolic acid is a plant oil and phytonutrient. It is found in herbs like holy basil and oregano, the skin on apples, and bilberries.
One of the key characteristics of cancer cells is their ability to disable the normal mechanism of cells to undergo apoptosis. This programmed cell death also referred to as cellular suicide prevents abnormalities in cells from multiplying but is turned off in cancer cells. Disabling apoptosis contributes to the activity of cancer to metastasize and promote tumor growth.

#2. Vitamin D:

Vitamin D is critical to the production of a cancer-fighting protein called GcMAF. GcMAF inhibits cancer metastasis and even has the capability to reverse the devastating effects of cancer on the body. Receiving a healthy dose of vitamin D daily supports GcMAF synthesis and consequently shuts down pro-cancer receptors and enzymes that encourage metastasis.

#3. Curcumin:

Curcumin is the compound that gives turmeric its yellow color. It is a powerful antioxidant that can prevent and treat diseases associated with chronic inflammation like cancer. Curcumin has been traditionally used as an herbal remedy in Chinese and Indian medicine for a variety of health ailments.

#4. EGCG:

The cancer-preventive effects of EGCG (epigallocatechin-3-gallate) has been closely studied for almost three decades now. EGCG is a polyphenolic compound that is commonly known for its concentration in green tea. It is one of the primary nutrients associated with improving health and healing in ancient Chinese medicine. Consumption of EGCG is believed to suppress tumor growth associated with several tissues in the body such as the prostate, bladder, intestines, liver, pancreas, lungs, and oral cavity.

#5. Sulforaphane:

One of the best chemoprotective nutrients that prevents the formation of free radicals and growth of tumors is sulforaphane. This nutrient reduces inflammation and protects against cancer growth by boosting the body’s natural detoxification pathways to eliminate toxins and support the immune response.

#6. Quercetin:

Quercetin is a super antioxidant that stimulates the body’s natural detoxification pathways and exhibits natural anti-cancer properties. High intake of quercetin in an individual’s diet suppresses cancer cell proliferation, reduces oxidative damage, and inhibits the activity of a mutant gene associated with tumor growth known as P53.
This dietary flavonoid shows promising evidence in treating breast cancer, leukemia, lung cancer, neuroblastoma, and colon cancer.
Foods high in quercetin include onions, capers, blackberries, raspberries, black and green tea, dark cherries, cocoa powder, kale, apples, and herbs like sage and parsley.

#7. Apigenin:

This flavonoid exhibits chemopreventive properties by inhibiting the invasion of cancer cells to new tissue and the growth of tumors. Apigenin reduces free radical activity and aids in the elimination of toxins from the body. It has been extensively used to maintain the health of the stomach, kidneys, liver, and blood.
The protection against cancer cell migration is one of the best influences apigenin has on preventing cancer metastasis. Researchers have even found that topical treatments containing extracts of apigenin are effective at suppressing the growth of skin tumors and reducing the signs of damage associated with UV exposure to the skin.

#8. Luteolin:

Another anticancer flavonoid present in a plant based diet is luteolin. Luteolin is found in green peppers, chamomile teas, and celery. Its antioxidant effects are shown to protect the lungs, liver, and heart tissue from inflammation and exhibit protection against the degenerative effects of cancerous activity.
Despite the extensive investigation into the chemoprotective effects of luteolin on the body over the past half millennium, not all of its biological health benefits are known. Scientists are certain however that these citrus flavonoids, luteolin and apigenin, are generally found in low concentrations in foods but exhibit a greater effect at preventing metastasis than do common dietary compounds.

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