четверг, 15 июня 2017 г.

Vegan Chocolate Pudding Pots

These Vegan Chocolate Pudding Pots are a guaranteed crowd-pleaser and almost
effortless to make. Also refined sugar free, oil-free, nut-free and gluten-free.
Vegan Chocolate Pudding Pots
  1. 500ml (2 cups) cashew milk (or sub any other milk - oat milk is a great nut-free substitute)
  2. 2 heaped tablespoons cocoa powder
  3. 3-4 tablespoons maple syrup, to taste (or sub any other sweetener)
  4. Pinch of salt, to taste
  5. 5 heaped teaspoons cornflour
  1. Add all ingredients to a pan and mix very well (before heating)
  2. Cook on a low heat for around 10 minutes, stirring constantly, until a thick custard has formed
  3. Taste and adjust flavours accordingly (more cocoa powder for chocolate flavour, more maple syrup for sweetness etc)
  4. Transfer to little pots or glasses and leave to cool before chilling in the fridge for a few hours before serving
  5. Keeps covered in the fridge for up to a few days

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