среда, 26 июля 2017 г.

Beet Herb Salad

Beet Herb Salad (in Jello Form)

Makes one 6-cup jello mold
For the first layer (beet):
  • 1/2cup cold beet juice
  • 1packet (1 tablespoon) unflavored gelatin powder
  • 1cup boiling-hot beet juice
  • 4tablespoons balsamic vinegar
  1. Put the cold beet juice in a large bowl and sprinkle the gelatin evenly over. Let sit for 2 minutes so the gelatin absorbs the juice.
  2. Then add the boiling hot beet juice to the bowl, along with the balsamic vinegar, and stir to combine.
  3. Pour into a 6-cup Jello mold and move to the fridge to set. Move onto the second layer.

For the second layer (herb and lemon):
  • 1/2cup cold water
  • 1packet (1 tablespoon) unflavored gelatin powder
  • 1cup boiling-hot water
  • 1cup mixture of fresh herbs of choice (parsley, basil, chives, dill, cilantro, you pick!)
  • Zest of 2 lemons
  • Salt and pepper
  • Rye crispbread, sour cream, thinly sliced green apples, sunflower sprouts, or the like, for serving
  1. Put the cold water in a large bowl and sprinkle the gelatin evenly over. Let sit for 2 minutes so the gelatin absorbs the liquid.
  2. Then add the boiling-hot water to the bowl and stir to combine. Move the bowl to the fridge until it has the consistency of a gel.
  3. When the gel is ready, put it in a blender with the herbs, lemon zest, and a few pinches of salt and pepper. Blend until the mixture is combined and smooth. Taste it; does it taste good? If not, season accordingly.
  4. Gently pour the second layer over the now-set first layer and move back into the fridge, where it should stay until it's firm to the touch.
  5. To unmold, dunk the Jello mold in a bowl of warm water for a few minutes, then invert into a big plate.
  6. To serve, schmear sour cream on some crispbread, top with apple, then a slice of Jello, then greens. Of course you don't have to eat it this way, but it's mighty palatable.


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