воскресенье, 17 сентября 2017 г.

Pomegranate Roast Lamb

Author Notes: This recipe, handed down from my mother, is a fall tradition in my family. We ate a lot of lamb when I was growing up, and I was shocked as an adult to find out that many people view it as an exotic food.

Pomegranate Roast Lamb

Serves 6
  • 1whole pomegranate, skin and pith removed
  • 1/4cup olive oil
  • 3/4cup red wine
  • 2large red onions, peeled
  • 3cloves garlic
  • 1teaspoon black peppercorns
  • 1/2lemon, sliced or roughly chopped, with the skin
  • 1/2teaspoon salt
  • 1Boneless Leg of Lamb, 4-5 lbs before boning
  1. Place the pomegranate seeds, oil wine, onions, garlic, pepper, lemon and salt in a food processor, and process until the onion is finely chopped.
  2. Rub the pomegranate marinade into the lamb, and put the lamb and the rest of the marinade in a sealed ziploc bag or a covered dish. Let marinate overnight in the refrigerator.
  3. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees. Using 4-5 pieces of kitchen twine, roll and tie the lamb into a roughly cylindrical shape, which will allow it to cook more evenly and carve more nicely.
  4. Place the tied lamb on a rack over a roasting pan. Roast about 30 minutes, then lower the heat to 325 degrees, and roast an additional 12-15 minutes per pound, or until an internal thermometer reads 130 degrees. (Ovens vary, but lamb should never be overcooked or cooked until medium. That defeats the entire point. The end pieces will be more well done if you have one fussy guest for the holidays)Let
  5. Let the lamb rest before carving, then remove the twine and slice into thick tranches. (You can also skip the rolling and tying, and grill the lamb on a grill for about 12 minutes a side instead of roasting)


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