понедельник, 23 апреля 2018 г.

Strawberry Top Pesto

Author Notes: The pesto makes a great pasta sauce thinned with pasta water, or thinned with more oil and acid it makes a tasty salad dressing. Truly the possibilities are limitless. 

Strawberry Top Pesto

Makes 3 cups
  • 36grams parsley (stems included)
  • 50grams whole ramps (garlic can be substituted seasonally)
  • 72grams strawberry tops
  • 100grams Parmesan-style cheese
  • 6grams fresh whole cayenne
  • 80grams black walnuts
  • 385milliliters (1 3/4 cups) Georgia olive oil
  • 4grams salt
  1. Remove rind from cheese and cut in 1/4-inch blocks.
  2. Combine parsley, ramps, strawberry tops, cheese blocks, cayenne, and black walnuts and grind through a meat grinder with the smallest possible die setting.
  3. Thoroughly mix ground ingredients in a metal mixing bowl and combine with olive oil and salt.
  4. Reserve pesto in plastic containers and store in refrigerator or freezer depending on desired shelf life. It keeps for one week in the refrigerator or one year in the freezer.


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