воскресенье, 17 июня 2018 г.

Miso Yaki Onigiri

A black dish containing miso flavored Yaki Onigiri (Grilled Rice Balls) garnished with shiso leaves.
Miso, a protein-rich paste made from fermented soybeans, is rich in enzymes due to the fermentation process and it increases the number of probiotics (beneficial bacteria) in the food.  As a result, it enhances the body immune system and has a wide range of health benefits, especially for digestion, absorption, and assimilation of nutrients.
Miso Yaki Onigiri
  • 2 Tbsp miso (I used Hikari Miso Organic Red Miso)
  • 1 tsp granulated sugar
  • 1 Tbsp mirin
  • 3 cups cooked Japanese short grain rice (I cooked 1.5 rice-cooker-cups (240 ml) uncooked rice *See Notes)
  • 10-12 shiso leaves (Ooba) (divided) (optional)
  • 2 tsp white sesame seeds (roasted/toasted)
  • kosher salt
  • ½ Tbsp neutral flavor oil (vegetable, canola, etc)
  1. Gather all the ingredients.
  2. In a small bowl, combine 2 Tbsp miso, 1 tsp sugar, and 1 Tbsp mirin and mix well. Depending on the type of miso, it might be saltier or sweeter than mine. Adjust the flavor by removing/adding sugar. Set the sauce aside for brushing the rice balls later. 
  3. For serving the rice ball, keep 6 shiso leaves aside (they will be placed under the rice ball later). Roll up the rest of shiso leaves and cut into julienned strips.
  4. Add shiso leaves and roasted white sesame seeds in the bowl of steamed rice. Using a rice scooper, fluff up the rice while you mix in shiso leaves and sesame seeds.
  5. Prepare a small bowl of water and a plate of kosher salt, roughly 2 to 3 tsp. Wet your palms with water, dip your fingers into the salt and rub some of the salt lightly onto your palms. Then using a rice scooper, scoop 1/6 portion of the steamed rice (you should be able to make 6 rice balls).
  6. Gently form the rice into a ball shape, and then flatten top and bottom. It should look like a thick disk shape.
  7. Cut the parchment paper to fit the bottom of your frying pan and place it on the pan. Brush the oil on the parchment paper. Place the rice balls and start cooking on medium heat. Make sure to keep some distance between rice balls so they don’t stick to each other.
  8. Cook the bottom of the rice for about 2.5 minutes. When it’s nicely brown, brush the oil on the top of the rice balls and flip to cook the other side for 2.5 minutes or until nicely brown.
  9. When both sides are nicely brown, reduce the heat to low heat. Brush/spoon the sauce on top of the rice balls. And flip to cook the miso side for just 10-15 secondsThen flip to brush the sauce on the other side and cook for 10-15 seconds. 
  10. MISO BURNS QUICKLY. Adjust the heat so miso won’t burn but still has a nice char. You can also use an oven, oven toaster, or broiler but make sure to keep an eye on it.
  11. Serve each rice ball on a shiso leaf. Enjoy!
Recipe Notes
Steamed Rice: 1.5 rice cooker cups (240 ml) yields roughly 3 American cups. 

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