понедельник, 22 октября 2018 г.

White Bean and Tuna Salad with Hard Boiled Eggs and Dukkah

White Bean and Tuna Salad with Hard Boiled Eggs and Dukkah
Author Notes: This is a super-quick throw-together that's elegant, rustic, and very tasty served with warm country bread and olive oil. The first time I had this was in Barcelona, 25 years ago. I have been making it ever since, and my only addition are the hard-boiled eggs for more oomph. The contrast of soft eggs, crunchy onions, salty tuna, and sweet beans is addictive.

White Bean and Tuna Salad with Hard Boiled Eggs and Dukkah

White Bean and Tuna Salad with Hard Boiled Eggs and Dukkah
Serves: 2 
Prep time: 25 min
  • 1can rinsed white beans, cannellini or Northern
  • 1can tuna of your choice, drained; hold some oil back for the dressing if you like
  • 1small red onion, finely sliced into half moons
  • 2hard-boiled eggs, sliced in half
  • 1splash extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1/2lemon, juiced
  • 1pinch salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
  • 1handful chopped parsley and/or scallions
  • 3dashes dukkah, a mixture of sesame seeds, ground cumin, caraway seeds, red chilis, and black pepper. This is my own mix; buy store-bought if you prefer.
  1. Place white beans and forked, flaked tuna on a platter. Strew over red onions. Season with glugs of extra-virgin olive oil, lemon juice, salt, and pepper. Add freshly chopped parsley and scallions. Place eggs on top, season with dukkah, and drizzle with more olive oil. Serve with warm toasted country bread.

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