четверг, 15 ноября 2018 г.

Green Bean Casserole Pizza

OMG These 15 Vegan Pizzas Will Make Your Summer
 You can prepare the topping and crust ahead of time - but wait to assemble them until
guests arrive, or until you’re at your final cooking destination.

Green Bean Casserole Pizza [Vegan]


  • 1 pre-made pizza crust
  • 2 tablespoons, plus 1 teaspoon salt, divided
  • 1/2 pound fresh green beans, trimmed and halved
  • 2 tablespoons vegan butter
  • 1/2 pound White Button mushrooms, sliced
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 1  cup vegetable stock
  • 1  cup plain, unsweetened soy yogurt (see note)
  • 3/4 cups fried onion pieces, plus more for topping


  1. Pre-cook crust in a 450°F oven for 5 minutes and set aside.
  2. Bring a gallon of water and 2 tablespoons of salt to boil. Add the beans and cook for 5 minutes, then drain and plunge into a large bowl of ice water to stop the cooking. Drain and set aside.
  3. Melt the margarine in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add the mushrooms, 1 teaspoon salt and pepper and cook until the mushrooms start to give up some liquid, about 5 minutes.
  4. Add the garlic and nutmeg and cook 1-2 more minutes. Add flour and stir. Cook for 1 minute, then add the vegetable stock and cook until bubbling.
  5. Decrease the heat to medium-low and add the soy yogurt. Cook until the mixture thickens, stirring occasionally, about 6-8 minutes.
  6. Remove from heat and stir in 3/4 cup of fried onions and the green beans. Spread over prepared pizza crust and bake 10-15 minutes until crust is golden and toppings are hot and bubbly.
  7. Sprinkle with more fried onions to taste.


If you can’t find plain, unsweetened soy yogurt in your area, pulse 1 cup (8 ounces) of silken tofu together with 1 1/2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice in a food processor.

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