четверг, 27 декабря 2018 г.

Vegan Chocolate Silk Pie (Gluten-Free)

Photo of a chocolate pie taken from above with a slice cut out of it
This Chocolate Silk Pie should be stored covered in the fridge. It keeps well for a good few days and its taste and texture will remain unchanged, which means it’s a great dessert for entertaining as it’s perfect for preparing in advance.

Vegan Chocolate Silk Pie (Gluten-Free)

Photo taken from above of a chocolate pie in a pie dish


For the crust:

65 g walnuts, pecan nuts or brazil nuts
90 g pitted dates
Pinch of salt
1 tablespoon cocoa powder

For the filling:

200 g sweet potato (roughly one medium-sized sweet potato)
150 g coconut yogurt (or sub any other plant-based yogurt)
65 g smooth almond butter (or sub peanut butter)
2 tablespoons cocoa powder
4 tablespoons maple syrup to taste (or sub any other sweetener)

For the coconut whipped cream:

400 g tin of full-fat coconut milk *
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 tablespoons maple syrup (or sub any other sweetener)

To decorate (optional):

1 tablespoon cacao nibs (or dark chocolate shavings)


For the crust:

  • Add all the ingredients for the crust to a food processor and blitz until you get a crust that easily sticks together but that still has some texture
  • Use your fingers to carefully press the mixture across the bottom and up the sides of a pie dish (I used a 22.5 cm/9 inch pie dish) - press down with your fingers, the back of a spoon or the bottom of a small cup or glass to make it as compact as possible
  • Place in the fridge while you make the rest

For the filling:

  • Cook the sweet potato by boiling, steaming or roasting
  • Discard any skins and add to the same food processor (no need to wash it) and whizz until completely smooth
  • Add the almond butter, coconut yogurt, cocoa powder and maple syrup, and blend again until smooth
  • Taste and adjust amount of maple syrup and/or cocoa powder if necessary
  • Place the filling in the crust and place back in fridge while you make the rest

For the coconut whipped cream:

  • You’ll need to keep your tin of coconut milk in the fridge overnight for the rich creamy bit to separate from the watery bit at the bottom. Make sure it is full fat coconut milk, otherwise this separation won’t happen and you won’t be able to make this cream!
  • Open the tin upside down – the coconut cream will be at the bottom and you can just pour off the watery liquid (save this for adding to smoothies)
  • Place the thick, creamy part into a bowl with around 3 tablespoons of the water
  • Add the maple syrup and vanilla extract
  • Use an electric whisk (or a manual one and a bit of elbow grease) to whip up the coconut cream until light and fluffy
  • Carefully top the pie with the coconut whipped cream
  • Sprinkle with cacao nibs or dark chocolate shavings to decorate, if desired
  • Can be eaten immediately, but leaving it in the fridge for a few hours to firm up before cutting is advisable
  • Keeps well covered in the fridge for up to a few days


*Use a thick coconut yogurt instead if you’re pressed for time

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