суббота, 23 февраля 2019 г.

Celebrate Hinamatsuri with these traditional & special foods

Chirashi Sushi 五目ちらし寿司 | Easy Japanese Recipes at JustOneCookbook.com
In addition to the doll display, the Japanese also celebrate Girl’s Day by eating special
foods. Since it’s springtime in Japan, you’ll see many spring and pink color theme foods and sweets being eaten on this day. If you have a daughter(s) and are planning to prepare some special meal to celebrate this holiday, below are some recipes you could make for the festivity.
Chirashi Sushi in a wooden bowl.
The Japanese typically eat Chirashi Sushi on Girls’ Day. It’s colorful and pretty, perfect for girls! I also have a quick recipe with premade Chirashi Sushi Mix that is widely available in Japanese/Asian grocery stores.
Temari Sushi in Japanese wooden tray.
These colorful and beautiful sushi balls are called Temari Sushi, and they are perfect for celebrating Girl’s Day! It’ll be fun to set up a DIY Temari Sushi Party for your children or girls!
Chirashi Sushi Cake on plates.
Layered like a flower petal, this Chirashi Sushi Cake will be the centerpiece of the menu. It might look difficult to make but trust me, it’s really easy!
Inari Sushi on wooden board.

4. Inari Sushi

For finger food, Inari Sushi is a popular dish to serve at the Girl’s Day celebration. My recipe is slightly different from the traditional method, but you’d enjoy making these rice rice-stuffed tofu pockets sushi.
Japanese Clam Soup with Clear Broth in a red bowl.

5. Ushio-jiru or Clam Soup

Ushio-jiru is a clear soup made with seafood such as white fish or clams, and seasoned with only salt and sake. Clear Clam Soup is the most popular soup to go with chirashi sushi. I have a Clam Soup recipe that has miso flavor.

Futomaki (Thick Sushi Roll 太巻き) | Easy Japanese Recipes at JustOneCookbook.com

6. Futomaki

Futomaki is a traditional thick sushi roll typically filled with vegetables and sometimes include cooked fish. Since you can prepare the festive-looking sushi ahead of time, it makes a great dish to celebrate events like Hinamatsuri.
Cherry Blossom Rice Balls on a white ruffled plate.
Your daughter(s) and friends would be very excited if you make these Cherry Blossom Rice Balls  for them. Adorned with the beautiful pink blossoms, they make the occasion extra special. If the girls are into cooking, why not get their help in making the rice balls too. You can buy the salt-pickled cherry blossoms from this online store that ships internationally!
Sakura Mochi on a white plate.
For desserts, you can enjoy spring-theme sweets such as Sakura Mochi. The salt pickled cherry leaf gives a nice contrast to the sweet red bean mochi.
Strawberry Daifuku (Strawberry Mochi) | Easy Japanese Recipes at JustOneCookbook.com
Another popular dessert is Strawberry Daifuku. Tangy and sweet strawberry wrapped with sweet red bean paste and soft and chewy mochi. Japanese strawberries are in season during spring, so this spring-theme dessert is perfect for Girl’s Day!
Hanami Dango on a small plate and cup of green tea.
Hanami Dango is enjoyed during cherry blossom viewing and these three-color rice balls (Sanshoku Dango) is a popular treat in spring!
Mitarashi Dango on a small plate and cup of tea.
Classic Mitarashi Dango is much easier to make compared to Sanshoku Dango. Enjoy the savory sweet glaze on top of chewy dango mochi!
Hina Arare in a bowl.

12. Hina Arare

On Hinamatsuri, kids enjoy eating these rice crispy snacks called Hina Arare. The rice crackers are coated with sugar but it’s not too sweet and has a nice crisp texture. You can purchase these colorful treats in Japanese grocery stores.
Cherry Blossom Cookies (Sakura Cookies) | Easy Japanese Recipes at JustOneCookbook.com

13. Cherry Blossom Cookies

Made with butter, sugar, and flour and salt-pickled cherry blossoms, these Cherry Blossom Cookies are crispy, buttery and so pretty. You can smell and taste the cherry blossoms, which is the highlight of these cookies.
Japanese Strawberry Shortcake ストロベリーショートケーキ I Easy Japanese Recipes at JustOneCookbook.com
Nowadays, many people also like to buy cakes to celebrate Hinamatsuri. If you’re up for a baking project with your daughters, you can make this Japanese strawberry cake with homemade whipped cream. Nothing is more satisfactory than a simple homemade cake. They would be proudly bringing this to school and share the celebration and culture with their friends.

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