среда, 20 марта 2019 г.


Have you ever wished you could hit the reset button on your body?

Maybe it’s because of all the junk you ate last weekend. Or throughout the holidays. There are days I wake up bloated and blemished— and know I need to make a change in my diet.
A whole foods detox is a great way to kick start a new season in your wellness journey. Sometimes my clothes just get a little extra snug, I’m tired no matter how much sleep I get & I’ll crave junk all day long. These are some of the symptoms that our body could use a gentle reset. I create the detox guide to make it easy & affordable on you.

How do you do a healthy detox?

A mini detox can be completely natural (and effective)— yet it’s gonna take some work on your end. You can’t just buy a magic pill or sip tea all day long if you really want to treat your body to a health detox. As good as that sounds, our body needs fuel to thrive.
Now, I know what you might be thinking about a detox…
….because I was too. But that’s NOT AT ALL what I’m talking about.
So stay with me.

When is a detox most beneficial?

According to research, people tend to gain five to seven pounds during the winter months. Why is this?
We don’t make our health a priority. And that’s not necessarily a bad thing. We dive head first into holiday traditions (cookies, feasts & peppermint mochas), and bypass our healthy habits. Myself included.
The veggie tray is practically untouched while the cookie platter has been demolished.
No joke, this winter, I probably ate 100 cookies and guzzled more cups of coffee than I can count.
It was a special winter season with my family— and I’m all for that. Yet now that’s it’s warming up and I’m removing the layers of clothing– I am not thrilled with what I see OR how I feel.
I’m okay with devouring cookies over winter break because there’s always an opportunity for change… if we choose to accept it. And I’m ready— and have a feeling you are too.

The Spring Mini Detox Guide

I created this mini detox guide to get us out of the winter funk.
With this simple detox guide you can download for free, I’ll show you a few tricks I used to boost my energy levels and enhance my body’s overall performance. They’re simple, healthy habits that really make a difference.
Just like a car has to get an oil change to remove the gunk to run well… we have to remove the toxic buildup in our body so we can burn calories more efficiently, boost our energy levels and clear up our skin issues.
What exactly is causing our bodies to get outta whack? 
It has to do with the…
  • pesticides found on the produce we eat
  • hormones in the dairy & meat products we consume
  • artificial ingredients in the packaged foods we love
All of these things may not seem that big of a deal in small doses, because they’re not. Yet overtime or in large doses, they can cause build up and stress our liver and kidneys. We get tired easier. We’re more agitated. Our skin gets rashes or blemishes. Our digestive system is messed up.

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