воскресенье, 21 июня 2020 г.

Blackberry Ginger Soda

The punch from the ginger, coupled with the sweet blackberry essence and fizzy soda, makes this the perfect drink to toast the season--and it should definitely be in rotation in your sipping and entertaining repertoire.  It's a casual, pour-as-you-like, non-recipe of sorts so make it your own, leading with the ginger as the base and accented with blackberry syrup and club soda to finish.

Blackberry Ginger Soda


Sparkling Dry Ginger (or ginger ale)chilled
Blackberry Syrup
Club Soda
Blackberry Ice Cubes


Fill glasses with ice cubes.  Pour desired amount of ginger into glass, followed by a few drizzles of the syrup.  Top with a couple splashes of soda.  Stir to combine and enjoy! 


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