пятница, 16 октября 2020 г.

The Peninsula Hong Kong Raisin Scones

The Peninsula’s brand-new e-cookbook, “A Taste of The Peninsula” lets you indulge in the best of the international hotel group’s bestselling dishes — from The Peninsula Shanghai’s chive dumplings to Hong Kong’s barbecued pork; signature cocktails from The Peninsula New York and Chicago; or The Peninsula Manila’s comforting Arroz Caldo — all from the safety of your own home.

The Peninsula Hong Kong Raisin Scones


  • 120g unsalted butter
  • 100g sugar
  • 2g zested lemon peel
  • 100g eggs
  • 200ml whole milk
  • 340g cake flour, sifted
  • 110g bread flour, sifted
  • 25g baking powder, sifted
  • 130g raisins


  • In an electric mixer, beat the butter, sugar and lemon peel for five minutes at medium speed.
  • Add the eggs progressively, followed by the milk.
  • Once the mixture is well blended, fold the sifted flours and baking powder into the batter.
  • Add the raisins and beat for three minutes at low speed to produce a smooth dough.
  • Cover the dough and refrigerate overnight.
  • Roll the dough to a 17mm thickness, and cut into desired shape for the finished scones.
  • Place cut dough shapes onto a greased tray, brush with egg wash, and bake in the pre-heated oven at 210ºC for 20 minutes.


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