вторник, 17 ноября 2020 г.

Roast Chestnuts

Chestnuts roasted over charcoal, healthy snack recipe for the fall season.

Roast Chestnuts

  • chestnuts
  1. Start the grill. You don't need as much charcoal as you might need for grilling steak or fish.
    Roasted Chestnuts 1
  2. Using a small, sharp knife, cut a cross into the skin of each chestnut (my husband did not do this process, but the chestnuts luckily didn't explode.).
  3. Roast over the BBQ grill covered for 15-20 minutes, or until you see the skin opens up.
    Roasted Chestnuts 2

Equipment you will need:

  • Grill
  • Charcoal


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