воскресенье, 20 декабря 2020 г.

Chestnut Mousse

These mousse cups are wonderful to enjoy for breakfast! You can make a couple

and enjoy them throughout the week, or make them to share with your friends or family!

Chestnut Mousse [Vegan]


For Chestnut Puree:

  • 2 cups chestnuts
  • 1/4 cup natural dates (pitted)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 2 cups Water

For the Mousse:

  • 2 cups of chestnut puree
  • 1 cup of well-drained soft tofu
  • stevia, xylitol or coconut sugar to taste

To Decorate:

  • cinnamon
  • chocolate
  • chopped almonds


For the Chestnut Puree:

  1. Start by scalding the chestnuts for a few minutes in boiling water, to remove the brown film from them. So the skin will come off easily.
  2. Cut the chestnuts into pieces and cook them in 2 cups of water together with dates, vanilla and salt.
  3. Cook over low heat until almost all the water has evaporated. Stir vigorously until you get a creamy puree, or for an even better result, put it in the chopper.
  4. You can keep the puree in a jar in the refrigerator, or if you prefer, use it for the mousse.

For the Mousse:

  1. Drain the silky tofu well, and let sit on a wire rack for 15 minutes.
  2. Place the tofu and chestnut cream in the food processor and process until the mixture is creamy.
  3. Add sugar to taste.
  4. Put in small cups, decorate, and refrigerate.


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