четверг, 25 февраля 2021 г.


Celery juice – the miracle green juice that is taking over everyone’s social

media feed. Have you tried it yet? Celery juice is popping up all over the place as a “cure-all” for everything from digestive issues to skin conditions. People all over the world are posting about their experiences with drinking celery juice every morning, claiming it has helped IBS, constipation, migraines, adrenal fatigue, asthma, lyme disease, and more. The recent popularity among many celebrities has made it even more of a health trend.

There is no doubt, eating whole, unprocessed foods, especially vegetables, is good for our health. We believe it, we practice it, and we teach it. However, we should be wary when it’s communicated that a specific singular food can directly treat an illness, especially when there’s not much evidence to back up these claims.

The big benefits:

Drinking celery juice is definitely safe. It’s made from a whole food, simply celery and nothing else. Celery contains many vitamins like vitamin K, vitamin C, potassium, folate, manganese, calcium, riboflavin, magnesium, and vitamin B6. It also has a high percentage of water and electrolytes that can help prevent dehydration (and we know how important proper hydration is).

Celery, because of compounds such as caffeic acid, p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, apigenin, luteolin, tannin, saponin, and kaempferol, has powerful antioxidant characteristics, to remove free radicals. Consuming antioxidant foods potentially decreases risks of getting chronic illnesses.

It can also help prevent cardiovascular diseases, jaundice, liver disease, urinary tract obstruction, gout, and rheumatic disorders. Celery can even reduce blood glucose levels, blood lipids, and blood pressure. Experimental studies show that celery has antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. Celery seeds have been shown useful in the treatment of bronchitis, asthenopia, asthma, chronic skin disorders, including psoriasis. Also, the root of the celery is diuretic and it is used for the treatment of colic.

In general, there isn’t much scientific evidence to show that juicing is any better than eating whole foods. In fact, when we eat whole fruits or vegetables, we’re getting the benefit of the fiber, as nature intended, which helps move food through our systems and helps feed the good gut bacteria. We miss out on this with juicing. This is why we love our smoothies and shakes. They contain tons of fiber, along with all the good nutrients that we need. There is also no scientific evidence that supports the healing benefits of celery juice specifically.

In conclusion:

Celery juice is definitely rich in nutrients. The benefits are there. It can absolutely be a helpful part of your health routine. Is it a miracle juice that is going to cure all of your problems? Probably not.

There is no replacement for consistently eating a well-rounded, healthy, whole foods-filled diet. One single juice in the morning won’t make up for an entire day of unhealthy eating. It’s always about the full picture, including movementmindfulnesssleep, and connection too. However, celery juice, and really any green vegetable juice, can be a great way to get some extra hydrating nutrients into your diet. We also recommend rotating your greens regularly to optimize nutrition: spinach, watercress, kale, bok choy, parsley, cilantro, arugula – they are all good!


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