суббота, 27 февраля 2021 г.


Enjoy these celebrations with some tamales habanero tamales. This tamales recipe

will teach you how to prepare them from scratch, in addition to the delicious tatamada habanero sauce you will love and you will not have to take hours to cook it, because thanks to your Oster® Multiolla pressure, everything will be easier.



6 Portions
  • 8 green tomatoes, for the sauce
  • 4 habanero peppers, for the sauce
  • 1/4 onions, for the sauce
  • 1 clove garlic, for the sauce
  • 1 teaspoon cumin, for the sauce
  • 1 1/2 cups lard, for the mass
  • 4 cups Corn masa mix for tamales, for the mass
  • 1 1/2 cups Water, for the mass
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda, for the mass
  • to taste salt
  • 20 corn leaves
  • 2 cups top round of pork
  • enough young green onion, pickles to present
  • enough habanero pepper, To present


For the sauce: in a comal roast the tomatoes, chili peppers, onion, garlic and cumin. Reservation.
Blend the sauce ingredients in your Oster® blender until it has a smooth consistency, season with salt and pepper. Reservation.
For the dough: in a bowl, beat the butter with your Heatsoft Oster® hand blender until the butter is softened, add the water little by little, then the baking powder and salt until it has a homogeneous and light dough.
Place a tablespoon of dough, a tablespoon of sauce and pork on each corn leaf; Wrap up to form a tamale.
Place the rack attachment on your Oster® Multiolla pressure, add water, place the sizes and cover by turning the pressure valve. Press the 'steamer' function, set the time to 30 minutes and start the process.
When your Oster® Multiolla pressure finishes and sounds, let the tamales stand for 10 minutes, then gently open the steam valve and take out the tamales.
Enjoy, accompanied by pickled onions.


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