четверг, 24 июня 2021 г.

Yakisoba Pan (Yakisoba Dog)

Savory Japanese stir-fried noodles stuffed in hot dog bun, Yakisoba Pan is the ultimate sandwich for carb lovers and featured on Netflix® “Midnight Diner: Tokyo Stories”.

Yakisoba Pan (Yakisoba Dog)



  • Gather all the ingredients.
    Yakisoba Pan Ingredients
  • Make a slit on top (or side) of the bread and spread butter (it will act as water-resistant).
  • Cut the yakisoba noodles in half.
  • Heat 1 Tbsp oil in a large frying pan or cast iron skillet and cook yakisoba noodles while loosening it up.
  • Season the noodles with Worcestershire sauce and oyster sauce. Mix all together and remove from the heat.
  • Stuff the bread with yakisoba noodles. Sprinkle aonori and put a little bit of pickled red ginger in the center. If you don’t eat it right away, wrap the sandwich with plastic wrap.
  • You can use the side split hot dog buns too.


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