четверг, 23 июля 2015 г.

7 Powerful Ways to Escape Midlife Mindset Muck

If you find yourself stuck in the muck of midlife, try one of these simple tips to break free.

  1. Get outside. There are 2 great reasons to do this. First, sunlight greatly enhances your feeling of well-being (and gives your Vitamin D levels a boost). Second, a number of studies have documented the effect of being in nature on mood. Spending as little as 5 minutes a day connecting with the outdoors helps.
  2. Exercise. Cardiovascular exercise helps to release endorphins and changes your mood. A brisk 15-minute walk is all you need to change your brain chemistry and thought patterns.
  3. Eat well. Fruits, vegetables, healthy carbs, and proteins all give you essential nutrients for your body to function properly. Eating processed foods, sugar, white flours, and drinking alcohol builds up toxins in your body that contribute to a myriad of midlife symptoms like memory issues, irritability, anxiety, and weight gain. Watch your tendency to reward yourself with junk food. Eating crappy food is never a reward for anything.
  4. Take the FIRST step (not the first ten). Want to lose 10 lbs? Start with the first one. Exercise? Start with 5 minutes once a week. That may sound so small that you think “why bother?” But your goal is to create momentum…and small successes are the key to achieving that.
  5. Relax. Take a few minutes every day to take an intentional time out. Do some deep breathing, meditation or do yoga. Take a nap. Sometimes when we’re stuck in our gunk, we’re just plain TIRED. It’s OK to wave the white flag and care for your body.
  6. Put yourself on your to-do list. You can’t give what you don’t have. Many of us wear our “busyness” like a merit badge, but if you’re depleted you can’t be of service to the world. Taking care of yourself isn’t selfish. It’s a necessity.
  7. Reach out. Surround yourself with friends who love and support you, but don’t buy into your stories. If you feel like you’re dealing with depression, seek professional help. If you’re suffering from symptoms of hormone imbalance, let’s talk.

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