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четверг, 1 сентября 2016 г.

How to Make White Chocolate

Dairy-free white chocolate? Yes, it can be done! This sweet and creamy white chocolate is made by melting cocoa butter with powdered sugar, coconut oil, and vanilla extract. It's perfect for grating over desserts, drizzling oven ice cream or dipping your favorite fruits.



  • 2 cups cocoa butter
  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 3/4 cups coconut oil


  1. Boil water in a small saucepan.
  2. Place a heat-proof bowl on top of the saucepan, creating a double boiler and add the cocoa butter.
  3. Allow the cocoa butter to melt fully, then add the coconut oil.
  4. Make sure to keep the mixture moving using a metal whisk or fork. If you use a wooden spoon, this will apply moisture and you’ll have to start again.
  5. Once both ingredients have fully melted, turn off the heat and add the vanilla and sugar.
  6. Using an electric whisk, blend up the ingredients until fully combined and smooth.
  7. Carefully pour the white chocolate into a lined tray or tin, cover with plastic wrap, and place in the freezer.
  8. The chocolate will take around an hour to set.
  9. Make sure you keep the chocolate in the refrigerator, as it has a tendency to melt if left out.
  10. Once fully solid, remove from the freezer and enjoy immediately or keep stored in the refrigerator in a sealed container.

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