В этом блоге читайте советы, которые помогут вам восстановить или сохранить своё здоровье на всех планах вашего бытия. Совет дня: Согласно Сен-Жермену, каждый палец на руке относится с определённым скандинавским богом. О, эта сложная руническая хиромантия. Как её осознать? Как понять богов? Просто! Боги - это свет! Боги любят свет! Так дайте свет богам и они будут милостивы к вам. Судьбу тоже можно лечить. Ежедневно светите на каждую ладошку по 4 минуты медицинским фильтром Биоптрона. Выздоравливайте!

понедельник, 5 сентября 2016 г.


Carpano Antica Formula is a vermouth that can trace its ancestry back to the 18th
century; many claim it’s the original Italian sweet vermouth. Claims aside, it is easily one of the best, boldest, and most nuanced versions, all without being weighty. Fernet Branca is another tempest of flavor, an amaro with spice and smoke to spare, herbal with focused flavors of mint, camphor, and eucalyptus. 
The lime juice serves merely to brighten the cocktail, and the soda water provides room for the Carpano and Fernet to fully explore their own depth. The use of amaro and vermouth as a base means you won’t be falling down after just one, so this is a perfect cocktail for after you’ve over-indulged and are looking to rebound into a long night, though feel free to enjoy one before dinner as an apertif. Unapologetic, brazen, captivating and absolutely delicious -- you’d do well to make one tonight.
Serves 1
  • 1ounce Fernet Branca
  • 1ounce Carpano Antica Formula
  • 3/4ounce freshly squeezed lime juice
  • 1/2ounce ginger syrup (see note below)
  • Soda water (optional)
  • Crystallized ginger (optional)
  1. To make the ginger syrup: Juice ginger (we start with about 8 ounces of peeled ginger, but it's up to you) and combine equal parts ginger juice and sugar. Shake until all sugar is dissolved, and store in the refrigerator up to a week.
  2. Combine all of the ingredients in a shaker, add ice, and shake for 5 to 10 seconds. Strain into a Hiball glass over ice and top with soda. Garnish with crystallized ginger if you like.


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