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четверг, 8 сентября 2016 г.

Yumski Salmon

This story begins with a friend who invited me to dinner and Wild Salmon was served.
I would have never dreamed of not eating what I was graciously invited to share; so I took a tiny bite for starters. Holy Cow! It was so good I could not believe it.
In our young married years I have tried to prepare and eat fish. I did such a horrible job that my husband said if I ever do that again to please let him know before he comes home from work so he can mentally prepare for it. Many years later after trying this fish I confidently told him that fish was on the menu tonight! The results were fantastic and he loved it and said he could eat this weekly.

Alaska Gold king salmon portions (1 pound)
1T. Organic lemon zest minced
1 1/2 t. Organic Thyme minced
1/2 t. Organic Maple Syrup or Organic Cane Sugar
1 1/2 t. Sea Salt
1T. Black Pepper finely ground
Cedar Plank soaked for at least 8 hours.

Combine lemon, thyme, maple syrup or sugar, salt and pepper in a bowl.
Rub both sides of the Salmon with EVOO and set the salmon skin side down on the plank.
Sprinkle and rub the seasonings on the Salmon and let it rest while you prepare the grill.
Grill should be brought up to a high heat. Turn down temp and cook indirectly. Plank should not be above direct flame.
Cook until fish flakes but not dry. My grill it is about 20 minutes. Remove planks and let rest for 5-10 minutes.
Then it is Yumski Salmon time!!!

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