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четверг, 1 сентября 2016 г.

Mini Persimmon Chestnut Cheesecakes

These single serving cheesecakes are not only adorable but super delicious! They start with a base made from dates and nuts – chestnut, almond, peanut – and then are topped with a luscious cashew cream cheese, persimmon, some chocolate chips, and a few freeze-dried raspberries. A fun and creative way to enjoy ingredients like persimmon and chestnut!




  • 1/2 cup dates
  • 1/2 cup chestnuts
  • 1/4 cup almonds
  • 3 tablespoons salted peanuts or walnuts



  1. For the base, put all the ingredients in a food processor, and blend until a dough forms. It should be nice and sticky.
  2. Scoop the dough into cupcake molds, about tablespoon per cake. Stick in the freezer while preparing the topping.
  3. For the topping, put all the ingredients except the chocolate chips in a food processor, and blend until creamy. Add the chocolate chips. Scoop the cream into the cupcake molds, about 2 tablespoons per cake.
  4. Top off with freeze-dried raspberries if using.
  5. Stick in the freezer for at least 3 hours.
  6. Let the cakes thaw for 10-15 minutes before serving.

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