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понедельник, 6 мая 2019 г.

Parasite Cleanse: How To Get Rid Of Unwanted Guests Naturally

The sheer amount of detoxes out there can be confusing, but one of the most important
detoxes you could possibly do is a parasite cleanse.
Natural parasite cleanses are a bit of a well-kept secret among the natural health community. But considering the damage parasites do, it's important to get rid of them as soon as possible.
These “unwanted guests” can be found anywhere from your intestinal tract to your blood and bodily tissues. Parasites are bad news, but the good news is that they can be killed with the right herbs and nutrition.

What are Parasites?

A category of living organisms that cause an infection, parasites need the host organism in order to survive, and thrive off of its resources.
Though parasites may seem simplistic, they are highly effective and efficient at what they do, and the “host” body is the one that ends up suffering.
They find their way into nooks and crannies in the body, reproduce often, and can create a chronic problem that may take years for the body to rid itself of before it's all said and done.
Perhaps the most difficult part about parasites is that they are hard to identify once they take up residence in your body.
Some cause serious symptoms, while others create low-grade inflammation that doesn't manifest until years later.
It is for this reason that many naturopathic doctors recommend supporting the body with periodic detoxes, cleanses such the RUG parasite cleanse you'll find in our Detox Box.

The Five Most Common Types of Parasites

According to CDC data, there are five types of parasites that are most common within the human body (1).
These types of parasitic infections are quite commonplace, with hundreds of thousands of Americans affected each year.
Some kids are even born with parasites already eating away at their bodies, as is the case with Chagas disease (not to be confused with medicinal mushrooms!).
Here are the most common types of parasites affecting people today:

Chagas disease:

With more than 300,000 Americans infected with Tyrpanosoma cruzi, the parasite that causes Chagas disease, it goes without saying that this is a huge, silent problem.
Parasites are capable of causing debilitating health issues in many different areas of the body, which is why undergoing a parasite cleanse is wise.
Chagas disease is transmitted through a bite from the triatomine bug, which then deposits its feces in skin openings on the human body.
This can lead to long-term digestive, cardiac and neurological disorders.


Nearly 14 percent of all Americans have antibodies against this type of parasite infection. But huge swaths of the population are at risk for contracting it from dogs and cats.
This infection generally comes from roundworms found in the intestines of our pets, and at least 70 people die from it each year.
Be sure to see your doctor, preferably a naturopath, if you suspect you have these parasites in your body.


Caused by the taenia solium tapeworm, this parasitic infection lives in human tissues such as the brain and muscles, making it especially dangerous.
Complications that may arise from this type of parasite problem include seizures and other similar issues. There are at least 1,000 people hospitalized each year in the U.S. because of this type of infection alone.
Often, it is the result of eating uncooked or under cooked pork that may contain its larvae.

Toxoplasma gondii:

Known as the “cat poop parasite,” this one infections more than 60 million people according to CNN. It is often contracted when coming in close contact with cats, as well as in under cooked meat and even in unwashed fruits and vegetables.
Swollen lymph nodes, muscle aches and eye problems may arise from coming into contact with these parasites. If you have a cat or have come into contact with any of these forms of food, you may want to look into a natural parasite cleanse.


A common and curable sexually transmitted disease, this protozoan parasite affects 3.7 million people in the United States, although the vast majority of them will not develop symptoms.
Antibiotics are the standard medical course of treatment for this parasite.
Those looking for a less toxic alternative may want to try natural parasite detox herbs and cleanses instead.

Major Sources of Parasite Infections

Parasites come from many of the aforementioned sources, along with several others to know (2).
They are especially common in areas where sanitation may be lacking in terms of food, sewer systems, and water, as well as in industrialized areas.
  • In addition, parasites are found more often in:
  • Tropical and subtropical areas
  • Bodies of fresh water, including creeks, rivers, ponds and lakes. The dirtier they are, the more likely you may get a parasite infection
  • The soil (dirt, garden beds, forests and other areas)
  • Infected meat (pork and fish, especially of the uncooked variety like sushi, are questionable)
  • Pets such as cats or others
Those most susceptible to parasites include children, the elderly, and people with compromised immune systems. People with leaky gut may also contract parasites more easily.
If you suspect you have a parasite problem, contact a naturopathic doctor as soon as possible, and consider doing a parasite cleanse.
Many parasite cleanses on the market that contain anti-parasitic herbs work well for this purpose, taken first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

Symptoms of a Parasite Infection

As mentioned earlier, symptoms from a parasite infection do not often make themselves known, but they do tend to rear their ugly head at the worst possible time.
Parasites can also be very difficult to remove considering how long they stay in the body and how well adapted they become to their environment.
The following are the main parasite symptoms, which may signal it's time for a parasite cleanse:
  • Stomach pain
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Dehydration
  • Fever
  • Weight loss
  • Irritation
  • Redness
  • Itching
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Aching muscles
  • Diarrhea
  • Cramping
  • Abdominal pain
  • General discomfort

How to Do a Parasite Cleanse

Getting rid of parasites naturally is not always easy, but it can be done using the right plan.
The first step of any parasite cleanse is to detox as completely and thoroughly as you can in the amount of time you have available to you.
If the body is unable to eliminate toxins naturally, it will be difficult to keep them away, as Dr. Daniel Pompa says.
Opening up your body's channels of detoxification and elimination, especially the lymph nodes, is a good first place to start. Continuous movement, infrared saunas, drinking lots of water and jumping on a trampoline help prime the body in this area.
Side effects during a parasite cleanse or detox may include headaches, fatigue or rashes. Keep your doctor or naturopath informed during the cleanse, and be sure to make a plan and stay consistent.
Starting with an alkaline diet, lots of anti-parasite foods like non-GMO papayas and pumpkin seeds, and parasite cleansing herbs like the ones found in our detox box are the best way to begin.

Diet is Important, Too

The second step of the parasite cleanse is to get on a cleansing diet, which nourishes your body with whole, low or no-sugar foods to starve parasites of their #1 food source.
Processed foods that are harmful, factory farmed meats, especially those that are raw or under cooked, should also be removed from the diet.
In addition, do your best to work anti-parasite foods into your body like pumpkin seeds and seeds from non-GMO papayas.
Organic vegetables, especially low sugar ones like greens, should form the basis of your diet.
Chaga mushroom is another anti-parasitic natural food you can incorporate into your diet, as is reishi mushroom.
Healthy fats like coconut oil with anti-parasitic properties, garlic, and even low-sugar fruits like berries also work.
Finally, you'll want to take on the third step, which centers around healing your gut. As mentioned before, parasites can cause even more trouble if you have a leaky gut or similar symptoms.
To heal leaky gut, you'll want to cut out all genetically engineered foods (GMOs) from your diet, take a natural source of probiotics daily and eat probiotic rich foods like sauerkraut and other fermented vegetables.
Also, cut out any foods containing gluten or high amounts of glyphosate. The combination of too much sugar and bad processed food can create a nightmare in your gut.
Stick your whole foods diet plan with the right herbs, and don't waver!
Additional gut healing foods and herbs include aloe vera, sangre de drago, fennel and ginger. Bananas are also a great source of prebiotics; consume these lightly if at all.
Perhaps most importantly, stay consistent. Incorporate the most potent herbs into your parasite cleanse.
You most likely won't see results overnight. The parasite problem is a persistent one that takes persistent efforts to beat.
Nobody said it would be easy, but it's definitely worth it.

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