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понедельник, 23 мая 2016 г.

5 Herbs that Promote Mental Clarity

herbs that promote mental clarity
From helping your memory to improving circulation to increasing your ability to work
through stress, herbal allies can be really helpful for keeping your mind clear and focused.

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)

Along with being one of our favorite culinary herbs, rosemary has been known as “the herb of remembrance” for hundreds of years. Historically, people wore rosemary around their heads when studying and then again when taking exams because scent is so closely tied to memory.
It’s also a mild parasympathomimetic (say that 4 times fast), which means that it helps your body regulate your nervous system so that you stay in “rest and digest” and not “fight or flight” mode when you’re resting—because it’s easier to stay clear and make decisions when you’re calm. This is good for people who are dealing with memory loss and maybe some anxiety along with that (plus it’s delicious, so adding it to your dinner plate is a good idea).

Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba)

This is the classic herb for mental clarity. It is most commonly used for the elderly suffering from various types of dementias and confusion.
What it actually does is increase the circulation to your peripheral nerves—meaning it helps your body pump more fresh blood to your brain, and it stimulates the release of neurotransmitters—meaning that it helps your brain communicate better. These two things, in conjunction with its anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties, are really helpful for mental clarity.

Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris)

You all probably know by now that mugwort is one of my very best herbal allies… Because I talk about her all the time. Just knowing that mugwort is helpful for digestion and headaches tells us that she is wonderful for brain clarity as well—especially if your brain fog is caused by something going on in your digestive system.
The most common folklore around mugwort is that she brings clarity to your life through dreams. Known for bringing restful sleep, she helps you have deeper REM and stay there longer.
As a flower essence, mugwort is wonderful for moving out stuck ideas and bringing clarity and understanding to situations. Brain fog be gone!

Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica)

It’s said that eating two gotu kola leaves a day keeps senility away! We use gotu kola in our products to increase cell regeneration in the skin, and it has the same sort of effects inside the body!
Gotu Kola helps to increase connectivity between the brain and the body, and helps with left to right brain energy movement. This is good for brain fog that’s coupled with anxiety or digestive issues. Since it’s also a vasotonic and it builds and protects connective tissue throughout the body, gotu kola is a good herb to give to people that have a hard time building muscle.

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)

Ashwagandha is a powerful adaptogen that helps the body deal with stress physically and emotionally. Brain clarity isn’t specifically listed in any book that I have read about it, but it is a consistent side effect that I hear about from people who use this herb daily. It gives you the physical strength to power through the day while subtly working on your ability to think through the problems that you face without concern or fog. This is good for brain fog brought on by too much stress and being pulled in too many directions.

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