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воскресенье, 10 июня 2018 г.


Caprese; balsamic, tomatoes, mozzarella, and basil; is one of our all-time flavor combinations.  If we don’t have anything in mind for dinner, more often than not we throw together a quick Caprese Salad and pass it back and forth.  The best.  Well, the second best.  The best is enjoying it on top of juicy grilled chicken.  The perfect combo.  Scout was very excited to help us grill.  She is a big fan of grilled chicken.  Imagine that.



  • 4 boneless skinless chicken breasts
  • 2 large tomatoes diced
  • 1/4 cup fresh basil chopped
  • 1/2 cup fresh mozzarella chopped (I used Pearl size)
  • pinch salt and pepper
  • 1 tsp. Olive Oil
  • 1-2 cups Balsamic Reduction


  1. Combine tomatoes, olive oil, salt and pepper, mozzarella, and basil in a small bowl and set aside.
  2. Wipe grill with Grate Chef Non-Stick Wipes
  3. Grill chicken breasts on preheated grill (between 375-400F if using a gas grill), about 10 minutes on each side (or until cooked through). While cooking, brush both sides with plenty of Balsamic Reduction.
  4. Take chicken off of grill and spoon Caprese mixture on top. Enjoy!

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