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суббота, 4 марта 2017 г.

Garlic Parmesan and Bacon Brussels Sprouts

Garlic Parmesan and Bacon Brussels Sprouts – skillet roasted Brussels sprouts with garlic, Parmesan cheese and bacon. Sinfully good!

Garlic Parmesan and Bacon Brussels Sprouts

3 strips bacon
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 clove garlic, minced
12 oz. Brussels Sprouts, stem trimmed and sliced into halves
Salt, to taste
3 dashes ground black pepper
2 tablespoon grated Parmesan cheese (in bottle)
In a skillet (cast-iron preferred), cook the bacon on medium heat until they become slightly crispy. Push the bacon to one side and add the olive oil. Add the garlic and saute a few times before adding the Brussels sprouts. Cook the Brussels Sprouts until the white parts become brown, then turn over and cook the other side.
Add a good pinch of salt, black pepper and the Parmesan cheese. Toss and stir a few times, turn off the heat and serve immediately.

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