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воскресенье, 13 сентября 2015 г.


As colorful as it is flavorful, this vibrant yellow curry gives rich,
spicy heat to an assortment of seasonal vegetables. For a heartier meal, serve with brown rice.
Yellow Curry with Rainbow Vegetables
Yield: 2 to 4 servings
Active Time: 
Vegetable mix-ins
Japanese eggplant
Haricots verts
Purple cauliflower
Yellow bell pepper
Sliced carrots
Chopped green onions
Sliced purple cabbage
Mint leaves
Heat the oil in a large frying pan and cook the shallots and garlic for 5 minutes until soft, but not brown. Add the minced garlic and stir for another minute. Sprinkle in turmeric, coriander, cumin, chili, cayenne, and lime zest and stir to combine. Add in curry paste and allow to cook another minute.
Pour in coconut milk, add half a can of water, and bring to a gentle simmer. Once simmering, add the coconut sugar and fish sauce along with all the desired chopped vegetables. Cover and simmer for 5 minutes, then remove lid and continue cooking until the sauce reduces and thickens a little. Taste for seasoning and add lime juice. Garnish with green onions, purple cabbage, and mint leaves to serve.

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