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понедельник, 14 сентября 2015 г.

7 Reasons Why Exercise Is Still Important.

Let’s consider some of the numerous reasons why exercise is important: 

  1. Better insulin sensitivity. Exercise makes your cells and musclesmore sensitive to insulin so you don’t need as much. Less insulin means less belly fat.
  2. Reduced stress. I often hear patients say a good workout relieves excess stress. That’s because exercise reduces cortisone – the stress hormone. Too much cortisol and you become insulin resistant and store belly fat. Too much cortisol also makes you crave sugar and carbs and seek comfort food.
  3. Improved brain health. Your brain on exercise performs so much better. Exercise improves memory, learning, and concentration. Vigorous exercise is a better antidepressant than Prozac. Exercise creates brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDMF), which is basically miracle grow for your brain. When you exercise, your brain becomes more elastic. Exercise also helps to improve your mood, boost your energy, and reduce overall stress in your body and mind.
  4. Reduced risk for chronic disease. Exercise does this through several mechanisms. It protects your heart and reduces your risk of heart attack and stroke. It reduces inflammation (the cause of almost every disease of aging).  And it balances hormones, therefore reducing breast and other common cancers.
  5. Enhanced detoxification. Besides stimulating the colon, intense exercise allows your body to release toxins through your skin. It boosts detoxification of environmental chemicals. Vigorous exercise will help you work up a sweat, but gentle exercise keeps your circulation going and flushes out all the toxic fluids that build up in your lymphatic system. Even just lying on your back and putting your legs straight up against the wall for 20 minutes can make a huge difference. If your daily exercise routine doesn’t cause you to sweat profusely, take a steam or infrared sauna, if possible.
  6. Slowed aging process. If you want to turn back the clock figuratively, exercise becomes absolutely crucial. I will never forget a movie I saw in my 8th grade gym class about Larry Lewis. He would run five miles back and forth to work every day at (are you ready for this?) 105 years of age!.
  7. Improved sexual function. Increased circulation and more energy are two of many reasons that consistent exercise can spark up your sex life.

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