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пятница, 18 сентября 2015 г.

Cream Soda

In Japan, “cream soda” is a term used for an ice cream float made with Melon Soda
 topped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream (except for Okinawa, which follows American style).
It might be a bit strange for you, but melon favored soda is quite popular in Japan.  It is the base of Japanese cream soda, which consists of mixing melon-flavored syrup and club soda.  To be honest, melon syrup doesn’t taste anything like melons, but it tastes quite good (not healthy to drink all the time but it’s a nice special treat!).  Besides melon soda, we also use melon syrup for shaved ice in Japan.
  • 3 Tbsp. melon syrup
  • Ice cubes
  • ¾ cup (180 ml) club soda
  • Vanilla ice cream
  • Maraschino cherries (optional)


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