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воскресенье, 6 сентября 2015 г.

The Benefits of Fresh White Butter

Here are some reasons why you should include it in your diet too:
  • Its rich in anti-ageing enzymes and Vitamin A, E and K2 with its structure helping it to retain a lot of calcium, phosphorous and vitamin A and D. 
  • Has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that helps improve your immune system and heal minor illnesses
  • Contains essential mineral selenium, a potent antioxidant together with vitamin E which helps to smoothen out the skin and keeps it healthy and brings a glow to it.
  • According to Ayurveda, Fresh white butter is an appetiser, enhances the taste of food, is a binder of loose stools and strengthens the absorptive function of intestines, curative for piles, facial paralysis and loss of appetite.
  • Ayurveda prescribes the use of white butter as a remedy for ailments such as ear problems, insomnia, bed wetting, sexual weakness, and even for mental illnesses. It’s good to use specially during the 4th month of pregnancy as it provides nourishment to the baby and eases labor for the mother.
  • It helps producing compounds that are good joint lubricants- useful for people suffering from Arthritis or joint pains. Butter made from the cream of cow's milk is less in quantity and yellowish in color, and the butter made from the cream of buffalo's milk is high in quantity and white in color.
    Churn the cream in a big jar using a hand blender or in a food processor for 2 -3 minutes.
    Add chilled water in summers and luke warm water in winters. As you add water thick , greasy butter will start collecting at the top and the will water stay at the bottom. 
    Take out the butter and keep it in a separate bowl. (The water left can also be sued to cook food)
    This fresh butter is traditionally served by itself with Crystallized Rock Sugar topped on Krishna's birthday.
    You can use this butter as it is or add salt, cracked black pepper, herbs like oregano, rosemary or thyme and make your own herbed butter!
    In the West, butter is pressed with a spatula repeatedly, until all water is released and the butter forms a cake. Traditionally in India, it is kept soft and fluffy in a bowl to eat it fresh or boil it to make clarified butter/ghee.

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