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вторник, 9 июня 2015 г.


Cardamom is member of the ginger family, this aromatic spice is native to India and grows in many other tropical areas including Asia, South America and the Pacific Islands.

Cardamom seeds are encapsulated in small pods about the size of a cranberry. Each pod contains 17 to 20 tiny seeds. Cardamom has a pungent aroma and a warm, spicy−sweet flavor. It's widely used in Scandinavian and
East Indian cooking. Cardamom can be purchased either in the pod or ground. The latter, though more convenient, is not as full−flavored because cardamom seeds begin to lose their essential oils as soon as they're ground. The seeds may be removed from the pods and ground, or the entire pod may be ground. A mortar and pestle make quick work of the grinding. If using
cardamom to flavor dishes such as stews and curries, lightly crush the shell of the pod and add the pod and seeds to the mixture. The shell will disintegrate while the dish cooks. Be frugal when using cardamom — a little goes a long way.
Mint and Cardamom Flavored Lemonade with Iced Tea
Yields: 6 servings

4 tea bags black tea
2 1/2 cups superfine sugar, to taste
4 cups water
1 1/2 cups lemon juice, freshly squeezed (6 lemons), + extra for garnish
1 quart ice cubes
2 tsp cardamom seeds
6 sprigs fresh mint, + extra for garnish

For the tea: Slightly bruise the mint leaves using a mortar and pestle. Bring 4 cups of water to a roaring boil. Remove from the stove. Immediately place the mint leaves into the water. Steep the black tea for about 4 minutes (no longer!). Strain the liquid and discard the tea bags and mint leaves.

For the cardamom syrup: In a mortar and pestle, grind the cardamom seeds. Crush all the nits and gather about 2 teaspoons of cardamom powder. In a saucepan, dissolve the sugar in about 1 cup of water. Add the cardamom powder. Bring to a boil and simmer for about 2 minutes. Remove from the stove and cool completely. Add the lemon juice.

Combine the cardamom syrup and the Morrocan tea. Place the ice cubes in a tall pitcher, top with the drink.

Garnish with a few slices of lemon and a sprig of fresh mint.

Serve in tall glasses with ice, stir and enjoy with tea cakes or cookies.

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