В этом блоге читайте советы, которые помогут вам восстановить или сохранить своё здоровье на всех планах вашего бытия. Совет дня: Согласно Сен-Жермену, каждый палец на руке относится с определённым скандинавским богом. О, эта сложная руническая хиромантия. Как её осознать? Как понять богов? Просто! Боги - это свет! Боги любят свет! Так дайте свет богам и они будут милостивы к вам. Судьбу тоже можно лечить. Ежедневно светите на каждую ладошку по 4 минуты медицинским фильтром Биоптрона. Выздоравливайте!

понедельник, 29 июня 2015 г.

Positive Thinking In 7 Steps

Positive thinking is something that we've all heard about.(Gillian Hood)
 It's one of those things, like good health, that seems to have no down side. But it's not enough to tell yourself that you want to think positively. Our
negative thoughts can be so deep and ingrained that it can take de-
termination to overcome them.

One thing that you can do to encourage positive thinking is set your-
self worthwhile and attainable goals. They don't have to be huge goals. 
Something like mowing the lawn in an hour before the big game on TV
is a simple example.

Little things like this can give you a sense of accomplishment and help
you feel more positive about yourself. Then you can begin to feel more
positive about everything else in your life.
 An upbeat & positive attitude
in whatever you do will make life easier and more enjoyable.

Here are some tips to help you make this week more positive than
last week:

1. Take passionate action towards living your life by design. Talk is cheap.
Action = deposits in the bank of a passionately authentic future. Without
action, passion is pointless.

For example, you might have a dream, something you long to do or have.
However much you sit and dream of it, however passionate you feel about
it, you'll never achieve it unless you take action. And remember, "a journey
of a thousand miles starts with a single step".

2. Commit to yourself as well as those you love to create a life you love.
Instead of reacting, commit to creating from your heart and soul, out of
love rather than fear.

3. Recognize and embrace the thought that each moment is perfect regard-
less of its outcome. Every time you come across something where this seems
impossible, have faith that it will work out, and let go of trying to control the

You may be pleasantly surprised to find there is more than one way to reach
a goal or desire. If you aren't pleased with the outcome, use the moment as
a learning experience and make the appropriate shifts.

4. Live completely in a place of gratitude. Learn to utilize what you have in
your hands and make use of it in the most constructive way. Slipping into
neediness or a lacking mindset will become less of a habit when you repeat-
edly shift towards gratitude, & away from victimhood & constantly wanting

5. Use a Passion Formula of Recognize/Reevaluate/Restore in place of the
"Shoulda/Woulda/Coulda" mentality. The former is based in increased know-
ledge and abundance while the latter focuses on scarcity and lack. As you
face people or tasks that seem harder than scaling the summit of the Him-
alayas, allow yourself to know that the task is still completely achievable.

6. Keep humor at the forefront of your mind, laughing at and with yourself
whenever possible. You may find yourself quite entertaining when you loosen
up! Life has too much to offer to be moping around in self pity. Humor is very
attractive, very passionate - it's life-affirming.

7. Understand that you are the architect of your destiny. No one can take your
passionate future from you except for you! Create your life authentically. As
long as there's still breath in your body, there is no end to how much you can
accomplish in a lifetime. Watch everything flow into place with perfect, passionate precision.

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