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четверг, 4 июня 2015 г.


Native to the Mediterranean and the Orient, coriander is related to the parsley family.
It's known for both its seeds (actually the dried, ripe fruit of the plant) and for its dark green, lacy leaves. The flavors of the seeds and leaves bear absolutely no resemblance to each other. Mention of coriander seeds was found in early Sanskrit writings and the seeds themselves have been discovered in Egyptian tombs dating to 960 b.c. The tiny (1/8−inch), yellow−tan seeds are lightly ridged. They are mildly fragrant and have an aromatic flavor akin to a combination of lemon, sage and caraway. Whole coriander seeds are used in pickling and for special drinks, such as mulled wine. Ground seed is useed in many baked good (particularly Scandinavian), curry blends, soups, etc. Both forms are commonly available in supermarkets. Coriander leaves are also commonly known as cilantro and Chinese parsley. Fresh coriander leaves have an extremely pungent (some say fetid) odor and flavor that lends itself well to highly seasoned food. Though it's purported to be the world's most widely used herb, many Americans and Europeans find that fresh coriander is definitely an acquired taste. Choose leaves with an even green color and no sign of wilting. Store a bunch of coriander, stems down, in a glass of water with a plastic bag over the leaves. Refrigerate in this manner for up to a week, changing the water every 2 days. Coriander leaves are used widely in the cuisines of India, Mexico, the Orient and the Caribbean.
Ayurvedic system says that the healing properties of coriander improve digestion and it is very possible to help improve the condition of people with Crohn’s disease. The leaves also have cooling properties, which can be very useful for those who like eating spicy. Coriander helps people with neurodegenerative diseases. It is also beneficial in inflammatory eye irritation. Can make compresses with coriander leaves on the eyes.
A bunch of coriander leaves that is grown in the kitchen garden provides the following nutrients (%RDA/100g) -

 11% of vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine)
 45% of vitamin C
 15% of folates
 225% of vitamin A
 258% of vitamin K
 18% of manganese
 22% of iron

Coriander Fish Curry


·         1 bunch coriander, leaves, roots and stems chopped
·         1 tablespoon green curry paste
·         270ml can lite coconut milk
·         500g white fish fillets, like basa, cut into 3cm pieces
·         1 cup each chopped green beans and sliced snow peas


1.     Place coriander, curry paste and ¹⁄³ cup of the coconut milk in a blender and blend until smooth.
2.     Heat a frying pan over medium-high heat. Add prepared paste, cook for 1 min. Add remaining coconut milk and ½ cup stock or water. Stir until mix simmers, cook 8 min.
3.     Add fish, cook 5 min. Add beans and snow peas, cook for a further 2-3 min or until just tender. Season well with brown sugar. Serve with steamed rice and garnish with Thai basil.


20 min



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