В этом блоге читайте советы, которые помогут вам восстановить или сохранить своё здоровье на всех планах вашего бытия. Совет дня: Согласно Сен-Жермену, каждый палец на руке относится с определённым скандинавским богом. О, эта сложная руническая хиромантия. Как её осознать? Как понять богов? Просто! Боги - это свет! Боги любят свет! Так дайте свет богам и они будут милостивы к вам. Судьбу тоже можно лечить. Ежедневно светите на каждую ладошку по 4 минуты медицинским фильтром Биоптрона. Выздоравливайте!

пятница, 12 июня 2015 г.


Basil is an annual, and is easily grown from seed.
There are over two dozen types of basil including lettuce−leaf which has large leaves, cinnamon basil and the purple leafed varieties. Basil is not frost tolerant at all, so be sure to only plant after the soil has warmed completely. Though it needs full sun, basil does need more moisture than some herbs, so keep it watered; especially in pots.
You can bring basil inside as a window herb if you plant the seeds in pots
during warm weather and bring inside to grow in a bright and sunny window when cold.
Using and Preserving Basil
Basil can be frozen, dried, or preserved in oil and it's delicious
however you choose to preserve it.
Basil is also available year round in most produce sections. Add leaves to
salads or sandwiches along with your lettuce. Add basil to sautés or soups
at the last minute to preserve flavor.
Basil is also wonderful in herbal vinegars. Try mixing it with oregano
and thyme.

Treatments Using Basil

1.    Healing: Sharpen memory, use as a nerve tonic, and remove phlegm from your bronchial tubes. Repeat up to once an hour. Leaves can strengthen the stomach and induce perfuse sweating. The seeds can be used to rid the body of excess mucus.
2.    Fevers: Basil leaves are used for quenching fevers, especially those related to malaria and other infectious, eruptive fevers common to tropical areas. Boiling leaves with some cardamom in about two quarts of water, then mixed with sugar and milk, brings down temperature. An extract of basil leaves in fresh water should be given every 2 to 3 hours; between doses you can give sips of cold water. This method is especially effective for reducing fevers in children.
3.    Coughs: Basil is an important ingredient in cough syrups and expectorants. It can also relieve mucus in asthma and bronchitis. Chewing on basil leaves can relieve colds and flu symptoms.
4.    Sore Throat: Water boiled with basil leaves can be taken as a tonic or used as a gargle when you have a sore throat.
5.    Respiratory Disorders: Boiling basil leaves with honey and ginger is useful for treating asthma, bronchitis, cough, cold, and influenza. Boiling the leaves, cloves, and sea salt in some water will give rapid relief of influenza. These combinations should be boiled in about two quarts of water until only half the water remains before they are taken.
6.    Kidney Stones: Basil can be used to strengthen your kidneys. In cases of stones in your kidney, the juice of basil leaves mixed with honey and taken daily for 6 months will expel them through the urinary tract.
7.    Heart Problems: Basil can be used to strengthen those weakened by heart disease. It can also reduce your cholesterol.
8.    Children’s Illnesses: Pediatric complaints like colds, coughs, fever, diarrhea, and vomiting have been know to respond to treatment with the juice of basil leaves. Also if the rash associated with chicken pox is delayed, basil leaves with saffron will bring them to the surface more quickly.
9.    Stress: Basil leaves can be used as an anti-stress agent. Chewing 12 basil leaves twice a day can prevent stress. It will purify the blood and help prevent many other common ailments.
10.                  Mouth Infections: Chewing a few leaves twice daily can cure infections and ulcerations of the mouth.
11.                  Insect Bites: Basil can be used preventatively and as a curative. A teaspoonful of the basil leaf juice taken every few hours is preventative. Rubbing the bites with juice can relieve the itching and swelling. Also a paste of the root is effective for treating the bites of insects and leeches.
12.                  Skin Disorders: Basil juice applied directly to the effected area is good for ringworm and other common skin ailments. Some naturopaths have used it successfully in the treatment of leucoderma (patches of white or light-colored skin).
13.                  Tooth Problems: Dry basil leaves in the sun and grind into powder for a tooth cleansing powder. You can also mix with mustard oil to make herbal toothpaste. Both of these methods will counter bad breath and can be used to massage the gums, treat pyorrhea, and other dental health problems.
14.                  Headaches: Basil is a good headache remedy. Boil leaves in half a quart of water, cooking until half the liquid remains. Take a couple of teaspoons an hour with water to relieve your pain and swelling. You can also make a paste of basil leaves pounded with sandalwood to apply to your forehead to relieve headache and provide coolness in general.
15.                  Eye Disorders: Basil juice is a good for night-blindness and sore eyes. Two drops of black basil juice in each eye at bedtimes each day is soothing.
Basil Lemonade
1 ounce fresh basil leaves (about 1/4 cup packed)
2 Tablespoons sugar 
2 quarts lemonade – (I like Newman’s Own Virgin Lemonade, you can use any kind, or even make your own)
Basil leaves and sliced lemons, for garnish
Mortar and Pestle method: Mash together sugar and basil until it forms a paste. Stir into lemonade.
Food processor method (pictured): Add basil, sugar, and just enough lemonade to blend. Blend very well. Stir into lemonade, strain if desired (I don’t!).

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