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четверг, 11 июня 2015 г.

Bay Leaf

Also called laurel leaf or bay laurel, this aromatic herb comes from the evergreen bay laurel tree, native to the Mediterranean.
Early Greeks and Romans attributed magical properties to the laurel leaf and it has long been a symbol of honor, celebration and triumph, as in "winning your laurels." The two main varieties of bay leaf are Turkish (which has 1− to 2−inch−long oval leaves) and Californian (with narrow, 2− to 3−inch−long leaves). The Turkish bay leaves have a more subtle flavor than do the
California variety. Bay leaves are used to flavor soups, stews, vegetables and meats. They're generally removed before serving. Overuse of this herb can make a dish bitter. Fresh bay leaves are seldom available in markets.
Dried bay leaves, which have a fraction of the flavor of fresh, can be found in supermarkets. Store dried bay leaves airtight in a cool, dark place for up to 6 months.
Long before biblical times, and across different civilizations, the leaves of the laurel tree have been imbued with symbolic meaning - perhaps most familiar to us as a symbol of glory and achievement. To this day, students in Bologna and Padova wear a wreath of alloro (laurel, in Italian) on the day they formally receive their laurea (university degree) - which is another word, by the way, that derives from the original Latin word for this tree: Laurus Nobilis. The English term "bay leaf" derives from the Latin word bacca, which means "berry" - an ancient reference to this tree's inedible black berries. But, it is the leaves from this tree that add taste and glory to some of our favorite Italian dishes.
Used mostly in dried form in hundreds of food preparations, bay leaves are one of the most popular spices throughout the world. In Italy, bay leaves (or alloro), like rosemary, are free for the picking; laurel trees grow wild almost everywhere - including even in the milder parts of the northern regions, mostly around the three major lakes and Liguria. Alloro is used to season many Italian meat and fish dishes, and adds an important flavor to broths and stocks - often as a component of the classic bouquet garni, which is a selection of fresh herbs (including bay leaves, parsley, thyme, rosemary, and sage) tied together into a bundle and cooked in soups, sauces or stews. Bay leaves are also used in pickled vegetables, as well as in fish and meat marinades. The leaves' spicy taste - which is attributable to the content of their essential oils, especially cineole - blends beautifully in vegetable, fish and meat sauces for pasta dishes. Just one important reminder: Bay leaves always should be removed from all food preparations before serving.
Here are a few recipes involving Bay Leaf oil.


- 2 drops Bay Leaf
- 4 drops Black Pepper
- 4 drops Bergamot
- 1 tablespoon Jojoba
Massage formula into chest morning and night, to fortify your immune system.

Minty Body Powder

- 60 drops Spearmint
- 40 drops Lavender
- 20 drops Bay Leaf
- 1/2 cup Corn Starch
Measure the corn starch and pour into a wide-mouthed jar, then add essential oils. Close lid tightly, shake well, allow to sit for a day. Shake well before every use.

Pre-Shave Oil

- 1 drop Bay Leaf
- 2 drops Geranium
- 20 drops Flaxseed oil
Mix together well, and apply to the area before shaving.

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