![Brussels Sprouts, which are good for blood pressure](https://149366112.v2.pressablecdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/brussels-sprouts-3100702_1920.jpg)
An extensive medical report — researched, written, and compiled between four medical professions
from Rush University Medical Center, Montefiore Medical Center, and the Department of Nutrition & Food Studies at New York University — outlined the connection between healthy blood pressure and both diet and exercise:
“First line therapies for all stages of hypertension include exercise and weight loss. However, results from one small cross-sectional study suggest that a plant-based diet is the more important intervention. This study compared the blood pressure of sedentary vegans, endurance athletes (matched for body mass index with the vegan group) consuming a Western diet and running an average of 48 miles per week, and sedentary subjects consuming a Western diet. Blood pressure was significantly lower in the vegan group.”
The American Heart Association also highlights the benefits of what they call a “plant-forward” diet as being beneficial for not only your blood pressure, but also heart disease, stroke, obesity, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, and even many cancers. They attribute a plant-based diet to a decrease in consumption of meat — which is “often loaded with cholesterol and saturated fat, which have starring roles in poor heart health,” — as well as a decreased consumption of processed meats “like deli meat, bacon and sausage,” which are oftentimes loaded with sodium.
Plus, there is a ton of study-specific evidence showing that a meat-free and high plant-based food diet maintains a healthy blood pressure! For instance, a study performed by John McDougall, MD of St. Helena Hospital in Deer Park, California observed 500 subjects for 12 days who consumed strictly a “low fat, whole foods, plant-based diet: fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes and excluded; all animal products and alcohol.” Along with this healthy diet, participants “also exercised and practiced stress management techniques.” All participants showed a significant drop in blood pressure!
Plant-Based Foods for Healthy Blood Pressure![Roasted Acorn Squash With Curried Chickpea and Veggies](https://149366112.v2.pressablecdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/img_1479.jpg)
While all raw, organic plant-based foods are great for your body, there are a few in particular that are great for those suffering from hypertension (high blood pressure) or hypotension (low blood pressure). Instead of focusing on just one plant-based food, you’ll want to select certain foods in some particularcategories.
Plant-Based Foods Rich in Potassium![Wild Green Quinoa Salad](https://149366112.v2.pressablecdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/vegan-quinoa-spring-salad-7-of-14-1080x1620.jpg)
One of the first things your doctor may tell you if you’ve got high blood pressure is to lower your sodium intake. The Standard American diet is filled with high-sodium foods such as processed and packaged food, meats, cheeses, and poultry. It’s estimated that we ingest around 3.4 grams of sodium per day. Switching to a plant-based diet naturally lowers your sodium intake, yet with the transition, you want to make sure you’re balancing this drop with an increase in potassium. Per VegNews, studies have shown that those with higher potassium intake generally have healthier blood pressure readings.
Focus on high-potassium, plant-based foods such as “avocados, spinach, and squash,” which “are all naturally rich in potassium.”
Plant-Based Foods High in Phytonutrients![Beetroot Falafel Rainbow Salad](https://149366112.v2.pressablecdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/dani-venn-may-2016-beetroot-falafel-44749-1200x800-1200x750.jpg)
If you’re eating a plant-based diet, then you are eating phytonutrients.
Phytonutrients (also commonly called phytochemical), “are chemicals produced by plants,” used to protect the plant from insects, UV ray radiation, and basically keep that plant as healthy as possible throughout its life. They also happen to be super beneficial for humans! These chemicals have “antioxidant and anti-inflammatory” properties and have been shown to “enhance immunity and intercellular communication, repair DNA damage from exposure to toxins, detoxify carcinogens and alter estrogen metabolism.”
Phytonutrients can be found in “colorful fruits and vegetables, legumes, nuts, tea, whole grains, and many spices.” Basically, almost every plant-based food you can think of!
Plant-Based Foods that Promotion of Weight Loss![Coconut Oil Crispy Rice](https://149366112.v2.pressablecdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/screen-shot-2019-01-28-at-10-50-53-am.png)
One of the main risk factors for unhealthy blood pressure is obesity. Therefore, if you currently have high blood pressure or are looking to decrease the likelihood of developing high blood pressure, maintaining a healthy weight is key. Luckily, plant-based foods are naturally good at this! They not only help lower cholesterol (veggies have zero cholesterol), but plant-based foods are naturally lower free of trans fat, low in saturated fat, and high in metabolism-friendly nutrients. If you’re aiming to lose weight or simply maintain current healthy weight, focus on plant-based foods that are high in dietary fiber, protein, and healthy fat and are lower in sugar and sodium.
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