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пятница, 9 сентября 2016 г.

6 Super Foods for Cancer Prevention & Nutrient Deficiency

Video Transcript: 6 Super Foods for Cancer Prevention & Nutrient Deficiency

Ty Bollinger: What are six foods that you have control over⎯ you have control over what you put in your mouth. You may not be able to have control over the air you breathe but you have control over what you eat. Give me a half dozen foods that you believe are some really good foods for preventing cancer.
Dr. Robert Scott Bell: Right. Well you think about the super foods, right? Because a lot of foods may contain high calories and some minerals and vitamins they might not be as densely − let’s say proportionately speaking − there, because we’ve got to counteract so much of our environment. Where it may have been simple enough to grow your own food and eat all of the food as it was growing. I believe right now we are dealing with extraordinary times. Maybe catastrophic in the devastation to the environment. And because of that, just selecting certain foods that I think would be good.
I’m not personally a big fan of beets. I had an allergy to it as a child. I believe now looking back that I wasn’t allergic to beets, but because beets have such a powerful beneficial impact to the liver, for instance, that it was helping me to detoxify and it was misinterpreted as an allergy. So that’s a great food.
Super foods and super greens. Kale is an excellent food that contains a lot of good things. Sea vegetation; if you can find non-contaminated forms of sea vegetation − and there are many strains of this − create the most minerally-rich, abundant, super foods on the planet.
We need to look also at the mineral content for the connective tissue. I talked about silica. Most of the foods, unfortunately, that we eat have been robbed of these trace elements because industry has found it much more profitable to take those minerals and use them for different reasons and they leave us with deficient foods.
So we talk about something like silica. You could go to something like the horsetail extract, something that you could grow and make into a tea yourself or concentrate in whole food form from a tea and now you have an abundance of silica. Again, [this] is one of those trace minerals. So critical, and the only time you’ll find it in a health food store is in a little beauty section for women that want to have better nails or hair or skin. And yet we ignore the fact that the integrity of the entire connective tissue of the body, vascular system as well, is dependent upon that humble trace element that has been removed from most foods.
We talk about foods like whole grains that used to contain abundant amounts of chromium and they’ve been robbed of the chromium because the soils don’t contain it or industry refines it out. Chromium, why do we need that? The form that I talk about is grown as food because it manages what? Sugar. Blood sugar. It helps to deliver it successfully into the cells and mobilize it out of the cells should we need it if we don’t have enough coming in from external sources.

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