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понедельник, 5 сентября 2016 г.

Iced Longevity Latte Recipe

There is nothing quite like sipping on a cool, refreshing iced latte.

If you could take the smooth, delicious flavor of your latte, and add in the power of superherbs to support your immune system, digestive system, circulatory system, brain function, weight loss…virtually EVERY function in your body…would you?
You’re probably saying, “Yes! But…..”
Excuse #1: “….That is WAY too much hassle.”
Excuse #2: “…I don’t have the time to add a million things to my coffee.”
Excuse #3: “…I don’t want to open bag after bag and capsule after capsule of herbs to dump in my coffee.”
Excuse #4: “…That is way too much money to spend on all different individual ingredients.”
Luckily for you, this recipe involves NONE of the above and STILL gives you the end result you are seeking:
Massive body boosting ingredients added into your latte with no muss and no fuss.
So how do you make a body and brain boosting iced latte, quickly and easily, for LESS than you pay at that expensive coffee shop? The key is the Longevity Coffee Blast®. Just two scoops will load your latte with Lucuma, Dandelion Root, Rice Bran Solubles, Morinda, Cistanche, He Shou Wu, Cordyceps, Reishi, and Ashwagandha.


1/2 Cup Longevity Coffee® (strong)
1 Cup of your Favorite Organic Milk


Add Coffee Blast®, Cane Juice Crystals, and Butterscotch Stevia to 1/2 cup of hot Longevity Coffee®. Stir until powder completely dissolves. Add to 1 cup of your favorite milk over ice. Stir and enjoy

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