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вторник, 6 сентября 2016 г.

Low Carb Egg Breakfast Muffins

Eggs are a nutrient, mineral and protein bomb. They contain omega-3 fats, A,B,D, E and K
vitamins, and a complete range of amino acids  – the building blocks of protein. The old myth of eggs being bad for you ‘cos of cholesterol reasons has also been disproven as a load of old bollocks(albeit in a slightly less succinct way) and this short but interesting study shows that eggs will keep you feeling full for longer . Food for thought indeed.
  • (To go 12 muffin full throttle, just double the batch)
  • 1 bell pepper (your favourite colour)
  • 3 spring onions
  • 4 little cherry tomatoes/one normal tomato
  • 6 Eggs
  • A good pinch of salt (about ¼ to ½ tsp)
  • 12 slot muffin tin
  • Optional - these all go great. Add whatever you fancy!
  • 2 slices cheese; around 50g (eg. cheddar)
  • Handful spinach/green leaves
  • 2-3 splashes of hot sauce or curry powder
  • 2 tsp of sambal oelek
  • Baking paper or muffin cups (only if you don't have a nonstick muffin tin)

  1. Preheat the oven to 200°C/ 390°F.
  2. Wash and dice the pepper, onions and tomatoes and put them in a large mixing bowl.
  3. Add the eggs and salt and mix well. Pro tip - crack the eggs separately before adding. That way if you get a dodgy one, it won’t ruin the whole meal.
  4. Optionally add some hot sauce, curry powder...whatever you like. Hot sauce is great!
  5. Grease the muffin tin with oil and kitchen paper/baking brush and pour the egg mixture evenly into the muffin slots. (If you think they might still stick to the pan use some muffin cups or cut out some baking paper and to use as cups - definitely saves time on doing the washing up 
  6. If you’re so inclined then layering some cheese over the top of each muffin before they go into the oven is a delicious addition! You can also mix in the cheese to the batter.
  7. Pop the tray into the oven for 15-18 minutes or until the tops are firm to the touch.
  8. Bon Appetit!!
Please make sure to use a non-stick muffin tin. That way you won't have to scrape around after your baking session. You can get a good one for around 10 bucks, easy.


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